Love in Letters by Joel Oyeleke


6th January 2000,

My Eliza darling,

Happy new year, it is yet another year where we express our love once every month. We have been writing to each other ever since my life sentence.

It is still like yesterday when I was wrongly sentenced for murder I never committed. The whole world rejected me but my angel believed me. I don’t blame you, i blame love for binding us. You are the best Juilet any Romeo can wish for.

This is a tragedy i never wished to write, freedom is what i can never experience in life anymore. I have thought of killing myself but when i think of you, the antidote to my depression is found.

Your baby,



6th February, 2000

Dear Jay baby,

If our love is the definiton of tragedy then i love tragedies. Our love is unbreakable.

I love love because of the love I have for you. You are the protagonist of the movie I am acting on earth.

Your darling,



6th March 2000

Dear Eliza darling,

It was fun loving you and it is still fun loving you.

When people ask me what is love? I tell them love is elizabeth. I cherish you wth the last drop of blood in my veins, Prison simply turned our love to Love In Letters.

When i get to heaven i will tell the angels that i know one of their kind.

Your imprisoned lover,



6th April 2000,

My own Jay baby,

In you I found my spec, my Romeo and my lover. Loving you is more than fun; It is the best thing that has happened to me.

Never be deppressed because we are both in prison; that enchanting prison of love.

From your missing ribs,



Joel Oyeleke can be reached via

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