
Blog, Diaspora Diary., Lifestyle

Success Journey XVIII

The thing is that no knowledge gained is lost. I read accounting for a reason and never practised as a professional nor did I work in any financial institution. Frankly, I find debit and credit monotonous and tedious. However, the knowledge is there and has been of immense help in all my business dealings.

Blog, Lifestyle

Stop Over-Parenting. 

We need to stop overparenting. It isn’t productive. We should strive to build a society where more teenagers are encouraged to decide on a career and start working early. It is not as much pressure if you guide them as it is when you impose on them.

Blog, Lifestyle

Success Journey XVI: Act

Action will naturally produce results. And that’s what we all need, results. It could be good or bad. If it is good, build on it. If it is bad, learn from it. But what you can’t afford is not to ACT.

Blog, Lifestyle

Success Journey XV: On Writing!

It is during this period of composting according to Natalie or creative emergence as Julia would say that you connect better with yourself. And the more you are in sync with your mind the more comfortable you are with writing.

Blog, Lifestyle

Success Journey XII

If you have been following this series, I apologise for the hiatus. I thought my battle with COVID was over after the first symptoms abated but it stretched on for over 3 weeks. Consequently, I was overwhelmed by a backlog of academic work occasioned by the illness. However, I am fine now and can resume our weekly series. In Serie VIII, I wrote that some obstacles could possibly emerge as you build on your success habits. I outlined the 4 A’s; Anticipate, Allocate, Adapt, and Act as a strategy to deal with potential problems. It is a term borrowed from the Canadian neo-dimensional approach to improving effectiveness in the military. I also wrote about anticipating these problems. I will now go on to discuss the allocation of resources to tackle them as they arise. Firstly, I don’t believe in “expecting the worst”. It is a negative attitude to have. There is a marked difference between anticipating potential issues that may hinder your progress and expecting the worst. Having a positive mental attitude is wise advice and success conscious people are usually optimists. However, you have to be careful not to mix up the fantasy with optimism. It is equally as important to set a realistic schedule to achieve a worthwhile goal. That way, chances are that the obstacles that may come up will be surmountable because you are somewhat prepared to make the best out of the situation. All that is needed is a little resourcefulness and progress will be the likely result. I have a simple approach to problem-solving because it always comes down to 2 major resources, time and money. So what do I do? I often pick the upper limit in the proposed amount of budgeted money or time. If it’s a problem that money can solve. It is advisable to get an estimate from an expert if it’s beyond you. Then choose the upper limit. For instance, I recently did some repairs on my car. The dashboard indicator kept flashing red lights for the ABS sensor and at a point, I started seeing the warnings about driving stability. After running the diagnostics my electrician estimated that it could cost about €200 but might be up to €300 to fix. As is often the case with estimates, it turned out to be the higher estimate. Anticipating the worst meant that it was not a huge shock. I would have smiled more if the repair bill had been less than €300, but that’s still ok, the most important thing is getting the job done with the budgeted allocation. Do the same with time. Allocate more time and if you accomplish the task in less, then use the remainder for another worthwhile task. Now it becomes a problem when you exhaust the budgeted resources without finishing the job. Don’t worry, we will discuss this in our next strategy. For now, let’s try to internalise choosing the upper limit when we are faced with a budget for problem-solving.

Blog, Lifestyle

Success Journey X

We had an interesting session yesterday. And I had to incorporate it into my weekly series to ensure we don’t miss the important takeaways therein.

Blog, Lifestyle

Success Journey IX

Where, when or how you start is not as important as starting. ~ Cmoni Last time in my weekly Success Journey Series I talked about the potential obstacles that may pop up as you navigate the path to achieving set tasks. I then suggested that anticipating these hiccups beforehand is the first step of a four-pronged strategy I call the 4 A’s; Anticipate, Allocate, Adapt, Act.  But before we proceed to how we allocate resources to tackling these problems permit me to digress a little, just a little for this week. We have scheduled a Talkshop On Success Through Self Development for the 20th of March 2022, so let me hype what we are trying to do here. And in my usual manner, some illustrations will give us a clearer perspective. When Apple debuted the iPhone in 2007, the then Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave one of the most legendarily misjudged reactions in tech history. When asked about his thoughts on Apple’s new product, he laughed at the high-priced iPhone, saying it would not appeal to consumers because it lacked a physical keyboard. Of course, he was proven wrong, and his blunder made Microsoft appear to lose ground at a time the tech innovation curve was witnessing unprecedented competition. In that period Ms grew by about 22% while Apple’s value grew by over 4800%. Of course, there’s no way the most fanatical iPhone fan believes he is getting that much value more than what the average android phone offers, but the fact remains that the product or rather the company’s fortune grew geometrically. Seth Godin is a prolific blogger. In one of his podcasts, he said that he had just a couple of followers when he started blogging and less than 10 listeners for his weekly Akimbo podcast. Today, with close to 8000 blog posts, his blog is easily one of the most read in the world and records over half a million visits monthly. These are humongous figures but they are secondary factors really. You may be wondering what could be the primary factor. Here it is; Where, when or how you start is not as important as starting. Yes, Steve Jobs and Seth Godin had confidence. They believed in their ability and the quality of the product they had to offer. And as they commenced natural forces lined up in various forms to support their endeavour. With diligence, determination and consistency they surely got what they rightly deserved for their efforts. But if they hadn’t started all that would amount to nothing. The Cmonionline Talkshop is another branch of the journey we started with our 20-month-old essay competition and it will open the door for other branches to sprout. At my age, I have resolved to invest more resources in passion projects and social businesses that will impact people and the larger society. I don’t even want to dream of where we will be by next year. I am thinking of 10, 20 years from now! And it’s easy to understand what we are trying to achieve which was better elucidated in a previous essay. We want to create digital groups, tribes, and communities for knowledge and skill acquisition through collaboration. There is no expertise required. So if you have skills/experience to share you are welcome to reach us through our social media handles or at and we are happy to collaborate on this platform. Teachers and learners both learn along the line because learning is a lifelong process increasingly modelled around informal environments. So join us on Sunday 20th March 2022 by 3 pm, we will have fun while learning. What can be better than that?

Join our essay competition.

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