
Blog, Lifestyle

Stop Over-Parenting. 

We need to stop overparenting. It isn’t productive. We should strive to build a society where more teenagers are encouraged to decide on a career and start working early. It is not as much pressure if you guide them as it is when you impose on them.


Career Day At School by Margaret Ebubedike & Katchy Ohiaeri

  You can start with “Career Day At School” co-authored by our own Katchy Ohaeri When Fifi’s class teacher asks her class to prepare for Career Day, Fifi is worried. She is not sure which job role she will want to take on. She thinks of all the different role models in her life and their wonderful professions. The more she thinks about it, the more confused she becomes! In the end, Fifi understands that when choosing a career, it is important to follow your heart and settle for something you enjoy doing. Her mum tells her that it is okay for her interests to change as she grows older. However, what is important is that she never gives up on her dreams. Fifi also understands the importance of hard work and the need to always be open to learning.  

Blog, Resources

37 career openings for young Nigerians at the UN.

There are 37 career openings for young Nigerians under the United Nations bureaucracy. The UN deputy secretary-general, Amina Mohammed revealed this at a Cultural Night organized by Nigerians working at the United Nations Systems in New York. The openings are available through the Junior Professional Officers’ (JPO) Programme, including internships for young graduates. In her speech, Amina Mohammed urged older Nigerians to create opportunities for the younger ones. Stressing the need for the youths to replace the aging Nigerian employees at the UN system she said: “Whenever there are opportunities, try and pave the way for the young ones; you are getting old and we want to see the young ones in the system. “We need to give the youth the opportunity because if we don’t give them the opportunities, they can easily fall victims of crimes,” she said. “Home really does need us; there are leaders and we are trying with the professionals that we see in the United Nations. “The work we need to do is not just to the world but also to remember that at the root of all that, you are only as good as where you come from. “And it’s really important that we remember, with what we do here, what we can get back home, that we can encourage those at home, and inspire them. “It’s not just what we do for the world.  Can’t we take that expertise back home?” she asked. For long Nigeria has abandoned this available opportunity to sponsor its youth for UN careers through the JPO which is a government-sponsored programme for young people to grow their career at the UN. It has 37 positions for Nigeria – one for each of the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory. The programme provides young professionals with hands-on experience and is one of the best ways to gain entry-level jobs within the UN system. You can read more about how to join the JPO programme here and please share the good news.    

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