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The Christian Business Mind by Oluwaseun Jemima

Our own dear Oluwaseun recently published a book and we are proud to recommend it to you. Book Title: The Christian Business Mind Book Link: Synopsis: The price for excellence in life is a value that many Christians lack in their businesses and careers. Running a business or career the godly way is possible. In The Christian Business Mind, biblical principles as regards business and career are highlighted with several relatable examples. The author, a business and career woman, teaches steps to balance life and please God. With several references, she also acknowledges the resources that helped her this far as a Christian who runs a business during weekends and her career during the week.

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Critical Thinking: The Great Courses.

The unexamined life is not worth living ~ Socrates Do you believe that a technologically advanced alien civilization is visiting the earth at this time or anytime in the past? Are they abducting people from their bedrooms, perhaps even right out of a heavily populated area like a large city? Are they leaving us messages in geometric designs in wheat fields? If this is true does the government know about it?  And if so are they engaged in a multi-generational cover-up of their knowledge of aliens? And if so why?Is human culture perhaps  Is human culture perhaps even the human race descended from alien visitors? How can we claim to know the answer to these questions or in fact any question? These and many more questions are explored in a series of lectures eloquently delivered by Professor Steven Novella in the title: Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills. Together with others, they make up The Great Courses which comprise of a collection of courses from the world’s greatest professors. I recommend these materials for cerebral minds who are interested in advancing their intellect. The lectures are delivered digitally. You can check on Goodreads, Amazon Audible or any other digital bookstore/library but make sure you grab this and learn. The lectures are amazing! Thank me later.    

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Thoughts In Disarray by Obi Trice Emeka

Obi Trice Emeka has published a book. He is one person that I enjoy his takes on sociopolitical issues. He is an objective writer who will rather persuade others with logic and reason. He strongly believes that the problem with Nigeria is the absence of thinkers. Hear him; “we rarely have those who express original thoughts on many of the issues confronting our nation. To this effect, I started to put a lot of my thoughts over the years about Nigeria into writing, for my reading pleasure only. Recent activities in the country have made me revisit some of these writings I have had in the past as they still appear to be relevant and speak to the Nigerian situation. These thoughts were sometimes published in blogs and some never got published at all I have decided to compile some of these essays I have written in the past into this book titled ” Thoughts in Disarray”. Truly, the thoughts are in disarray- speaking to different issues with very limited words so as not to bore the reader. I do think some of the takes are interesting and I will want you to have a peep, especially if you are into leadership or follow governance activities in Nigeria. If you are also optimistic like me, about the soon to be the rise of Nigeria. This book is for you.” To get a copy click HERE

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Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.

Blink is a book about metacognition. In other words, thinking about thinking. Gladwell discusses the choices that seem to be made in an instant–in the blink of an eye–that may not be as simple as they seem.

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The Capitalist Nigger..

Although the book proposes what Onyeani called the ‘Spider Web Doctrine’ — an economic theory for the negroid race to employ self-reliance and ruthlessness — it nevertheless was unsparring in its boisterous indictment of the Negroid race.

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The Undefeated Mind

The Undefeated Mind: On The Science Of Constructing An Indestructible Self.  I’ve read quite a number of self-development books, we all have but I can tell you that this one is a masterpiece. It is an invaluable asset because I just can’t stop learning from it. It’s a book that’s worth reading again, and again and again!


“Biafra: The Horrors of War, The story of a Child Soldier” by Okey Anueyiagu,

“Biafra: The Horrors of War, The story of a Child Soldier” by Okey Anueyiagu, takes you inside one of the world’s almost forgotten wars with devastatingly sordid and haunting imagery. The author conjures a frightening reality that very few people, especially children have ever encountered. With candid details, the author describes in a uniquely dramatic and movie-like style, the perilous mental and physical struggles that he and his people suffered. In his grappling with the pains and horrors of war, he exposes the transformative powers of perseverance, showing how Biafrans turned their pains and sufferings into strengths in endurance. The author, Dr. Okey, using this war, brings to the fore, the fact that despite the odds against the Biafrans; the hunger, the death, and that despite the silence of the world in the perpetration of the holocaust, the pogrom and the genocide, the people of Biafra survived by forging an unbelievable bond that allowed them to overcome the horrific conditions of the war. This book is a compelling classic. A perfectly recalled bitter and wicked account of a people’s journey through darkness and a country gone berserk. Click here to buy this book.


Career Day At School by Margaret Ebubedike & Katchy Ohiaeri

  You can start with “Career Day At School” co-authored by our own Katchy Ohaeri When Fifi’s class teacher asks her class to prepare for Career Day, Fifi is worried. She is not sure which job role she will want to take on. She thinks of all the different role models in her life and their wonderful professions. The more she thinks about it, the more confused she becomes! In the end, Fifi understands that when choosing a career, it is important to follow your heart and settle for something you enjoy doing. Her mum tells her that it is okay for her interests to change as she grows older. However, what is important is that she never gives up on her dreams. Fifi also understands the importance of hard work and the need to always be open to learning.  

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