Blog, Writers

Essay Competition: Week 29 Winners.

Mike Ogbonnaya and Humble Ogbonna have won the N20,000 cash prize for week 29.   A Night In Sheol is a wonderful story. The writer started on a different note and before you could say Jack Robinson he had quickly switched the storyline to the topic and then continued to weave the tale at a pulsating speed that you may not blink till you read  “Oga, wake up. We don reach Upper Iweka”. We already know what Humble can do as a multiple winner in this competition and as usual he delivered in superlative diction and syntax. A must-read really. Congrats Humble.     In #Week28 Mike Ogbonaya announced his entry in style with a well narrated creative piece titled The Ugly Entanglement. This time he chose to attempt an opinion article and started his work by narrating the chronology of events around the case study as one would see in a media report while also broaching the role of clerics in politics. He then delved into the details of the topical issues raised by the cleric with a comparative analysis of then and now. After which he concluded with timely advice for clerics and the masses. A few references to back some claims and this would have been an excellent essay. Nevertheless, this was a well-written opinion piece.  Congrats Mike, we hope to read more from you.   Feedback: One Judge noted with delight the increasing number of participants in the competition. It can only get better. He, however, reiterated the need for participants to reread and edit their works to avoid errors. I mean seeing a thesis dotted with red lines can put off even the most enthusiastic Judge. It is difficult enough to fill those blank pages with words so why would you allow avoidable errors to mess up your hard work? Endeavour to reread and edit your work before submission. The other essays were good and frankly, I like where we are now. We have achieved a level of consistency that has many writers more relaxed as they write. Combining that relaxed tone with a good grasp of the subject via research/imagination is how you find your voice in writing. Because when you know your topic inside and out, you can’t help but speak with authority, with confidence, and a distinctive voice. Hence the agelong maxim “write what you know.” So keep up the good work as we continue our journey. Thanks to everyone and God bless.

Blog, Writers

Topics: Essay Competition Week 29.

For week 29 of the #CmonionlineEssayCompetition choose a topic from your preferred genre and write to possibly emerge as one of the winners of our N20,000 cash prize. Creative writing topics:  A night in the graveyard. Opinion article topics:  The cleric and politics: A discursive analysis using the father Mbaka scenario as an example. NB: These are topics and not necessarily titles, so you can caption your essay as you wish but please make it smart and brief. The word count is between (750–1500 )± 10% We will publish the essays as they come in for the audience and judges to read. Endeavour to submit early to make our job easier. Submit on or before Thursday 06/05/2021 at 11.59 pm. Please endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not You can submit to admin@cmonionline.com in plain text or MS Word if you are having issues with the subscription and onsite submission. (**No PDF please) WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from participating in this competition. We are here to learn not to steal.  Nneka Obiekwe Nwogu and Alex Nwangwu are our judges for the week. Good luck!

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