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Lagos and the global livability index

Lagos was recently ranked among the worst cities to live in the world. The issue was laid bare in this Guardian editorial. Its a good sunday read. ——————————————————————————————————————————— It is with more than a little shame and discomfiture that the state of Lagos, and indeed the country at large, should receive the latest Global Livability Index, which rated Nigeria’s commercial nerve centre as the third worst city in the world for humans to live in. In the 2018 edition of an annual report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Lagos was ranked 138 out of 140 nations, being only ahead of Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Syria’s war-torn Damascus. People in certain quarters, taken by a bizarre idea of patriotism that shuns introspection, have attempted to discountenance this report, saying that a group of foreigners should not be telling Nigerians about Nigeria, or Lagosians about Lagos. Although there have always been allegations that western-originated economic and social reports often tend towards the disparagement of the so-called ‘Third World,’ this latest report of the EIU should be taken as a pointer to the myriad of problems that Lagos has been facing. It should also better serve as a nudge to the relevant authorities to recognize the need for the amelioration of the plight of the city’s inhabitants. For no one can deny that there is a problem. And for the many restless souls who trudge daily through conditions that are indeed unlivable, it matters less who points out the challenges than whether something is done to make life more bearable and truly excellent in that designated ‘Centre of Excellence’. The parametres used for evaluation are unquestionably critical to true development, ranging from stability and healthcare to education, environment and infrastructure. Despite the activity of the state government towards a general improvement, Lagos, it must be said, still falls terribly short in the delivery of these key services. This suggests that a new approach is altogether necessary, one of which reexamines notions of development and redefines its standards. Infrastructure, for example, is more than the mere construction of highways through slums, or the erection of mega buildings on sand-filled land for the exclusive consumption of the rich and powerful; it also has to do with the systems and amenities (such as electricity, security, pipe-borne water, effective waste disposal, and smart transportation) that keep a city running from day to day. These, indeed, are the things that operate beneath the physical structures to which the very term “infra-structure” should properly apply. And it is instructive that the high-flying cities in the earlier and latest reports of the EIC are places where these things are not in deficit. Japan’s Osaka, for example, moved up six places to third position and only a fraction of a percentage point away from Melbourne, which has just ceded the prime position to Vienna, and this impressive leap is credited to the city’s “improvement in scores for quality and availability of public transportation, as well as a consistent decline in crime rates.” Lagos, by contrast, sports everywhere the objectionable scene of commuters stranded at bus stops or walking en masse along highway curbstones, disappointed time and again by the non-flow of the metropolis. Even the home, for many, is no haven. Housing is one of the great quandaries that the Lagos section of humanity continues to grapple with, and the grappling continues precisely because government is not handling it well. How landlords are allowed, for example, to keep building substandard facilities and renting them out at exorbitant rates is still a source of great wonder to many of the city’s residents and regular visitors. But perhaps it should not be such an enigma, since even the government’s own projects do not appear to give much more hope, and many “low-cost housing estates” have turned out only to be lowly and costly. The most fundamental thing that needs to be done is for leadership to redefine itself, and rather than playing politics with governance or playing to the gallery, government should be with vision and purpose. Rather than building an urban, concrete and asphalt jungle where although opportunities abound the cost of harnessing them is high and often cavalier, leadership should take responsibility for the processes (mentioned earlier) that are essential to keeping a city alive. While the state government does have an obvious responsibility towards the development and organization of Lagos, the Federal Government also owes the commercial capital of the nation, which houses among many other things its income-raking ports, a degree of conscionable debt. It should, therefore, honour its obligation to the state. After all, on 3rd February 1976, the then Head of State, General Murtala Mohammed while proclaiming Abuja as the nation’s new capital, specifically pledged federal government’s continued commitment to Lagos he designated as a ‘Special Area’. Besides, the military leader promised to work Lagos into the 1979 constitution then in the works. This covenant on Lagos has never been fulfilled. Perhaps a good place to start is to treat the state with a legally binding acknowledgment of its special status. The shame of Lagos is the shame of Nigeria, after all.

Blog, Reverie

My thoughts as Suu Kyi is stripped of human rights award over the Rohingya crisis.

This has been long coming. I have repeatedly tweeted that Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi should be stripped of her numerous peace awards because of her glaring hypocrisy on the Rohingya ethnic cleansing. Now the Oxford City Council where she was an undergraduate, has unanimously voted to recommend Suu Kyi’s Freedom of the City award be withdrawn, citing deep concerns about the treatment of Rohingya Muslims under her watch. The council has removed her portrait last week from public display.This is happening even as other British institutions increasingly distance themselves from the embattled former rights icon. Local Councillor and Labour party member Mary Clarkson said that “the city’s reputation is tarnished by honouring those who turn a blind eye to violence,” in a speech presenting the motion. “While the UN calls the situation a ‘textbook example of ethnic cleansing’, Aung San Suu Kyi denies any ethnic cleansing and dismisses numerous claims of sexual violence against Rohingya women as ‘fake rape,’” Clarkson said. Council leader Bob Price supported the motion, reportedly calling it an “unprecedented step” for the local authority. Daw Suu (as she’s fondly by her followers) made her first public statement on the subject since the exodus of refugees began in a speech in late September. She said her government condemned all human rights violations and promised to punish those responsible, disingenuously avoiding to address accusations of ethnic cleansing and also failed to criticise the military actions. Her speech came under a barrage of criticisms and  Amnesty International branded it “little more than a mix of untruths and victim-blaming” A number of institutions are also reviewing or removing honours bestowed on Suu Kyi during her campaign for democracy. Bristol University and The London School of Economics students union that awarded honorary degrees to the Burmese leader during her time in opposition, also said they were reviewing its award in light of her position on the brutal violence against the Rohingya Muslims. A friend of mine once said she will like to taste power just so that she will know what makes people change once they have it. For a rights activist who was under house arrest in her native Myanmar where she remained a prisoner for 21 years, it is really difficult to fathom what might have changed in Suu Kyi How is she able to sleep at night after watching new reports on thousands of Rohingya people discovered floating in boats on the south-east Asian seas? Does she not cry at the thought of over 500,000 Myanmar’s Rohingya people who are said to have fled across the border to Bangladesh in less than two months? Surely there will be moments of flashbacks at her time in confinement to remind her what freedom means to all humans. Prior to this, I have read in a HuffPost report where she explained her silence. She reportedly said: “I am not silent because of political calculation. I am silent because whoever’s side I stand on, there will be more blood. If I speak up for human rights, they (the Rohingya) will only suffer. There will be more blood.” These are deep words indeed. Some will dismiss her words as a flimsy alibi. For those who may want to consider it so, let me say that they could be right. Aung San Suu Kyi will definitely not be another Mandela. Madiba it was who on his release from prison stood against the planned exclusion of whites (who imprisoned him for 27 years) from his party, the African National Congress ANC. He rather condemned the violence perpetrated by blacks against them and welcomed them into his government. It was the same Mandela who once said that “there are times when a leader must move ahead of his flock”. The time for Daw Suu to speak out is now. Her words in that HuffPost report exposed the real threat of genocide faced by the Rohingyas. She can forget about awards, a bigger legacy will be left behind by speaking the truth and calling on the world to come to the aid of the Rohingyas. The clock ticks.

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