
Blog, Reverie

Anecdote: Goodwill.

The way he rallied to ensure that I flew buttressed a belief I’ve always held that goodwill will often open doors where money cannot.

Blog, Reverie

The murder of priests should not be politicised.

  A few days ago I had asked why the protesting Reverend Fathers in Enugu failed to do the same when some Catholic faithfuls were massacred in Ozubulu. The post expectedly drew the ire of many hypocrites including some cowards who hitherto dare not address me directly. But of course, we all know I don’t suffer fools gladly neither do I take prisoners. So I told them to shove their silly opinions up where there is no sunshine. Last week Reverend Fr. Offu was murdered in Awgu. The outrage was hysterical given that just 5 months ago another Catholic priest was brutally murdered in the same Enugu state. Our Reverend fathers have had enough and quite rightly mounted a public protest calling on the authorities to protect them. No sensible person will query the propriety of that protest. However, they made a mistake or should I say a deliberate mistake in blaming the ‘murderous Fulani herdsmen’ for a crime still under investigation. The Communications Director Catholic Diocese of Enugu Rev Fr. Achi told reporters that Fr. Offu was stopped by the murderous herdsmen while returning to his parish after visiting another priest. He specifically said: “They dragged him to the bush but one of the assailants said kill him that the church would not do anything if they kidnapped him” Don’t ask me if he was there. These are men of God blessed with extraordinary abilities. Now let me rejig your memory. Last March when Fr. Ugwu was abducted and his decomposing body later found in a bush. There was also this type of outrage and the heinous act blamed on ‘Fulani herdsmen’ even before the police commenced investigations. Who else would kidnap and murder a clergyman in cold blood if not the usual suspects? As it were, the security operatives swung into action and by April the Enugu state police command announced that they had apprehended two leaders of a four-man kidnapping gang. They had used the late priest’s ATM card to make withdrawals from his account. Their names: Sunday Chibuko 32 and Benjamin Osogwu 28. Igbo herdsmen perhaps. Well, the police have once again made some arrests on the latest case and the word out there is that the late Fr. Offu’s account was cleared 25 minutes after his death. Do you see a pattern? A bank insider said that “there was a need for the security operatives to look inward and ascertain who actually made the ATM withdrawals….” There is a pattern here. Have you wondered why it is mostly Catholic priests? Apparently, these are inside jobs to loot the church treasury because unlike their Anglican colleagues Catholic Reverend Fathers are in complete control of the usually healthy parish coffers. Its a piece of cake for dumb criminals. Kill and clean out the account while the people scream help you to distract the police by screaming ‘fulani herdsmen’. You then have adequate time to get far away. The killers of Fr. Ugwu nabbed in April were arrested in Abuja where they had relocated with their families. You see when we say things as they are we are labelled all sorts by people too cowardly to speak their minds. The person who ‘nicodemusly’ sent me this news is a chronic ‘Islamisation propagandist’ who knows the truth but will rather dance to the gallery of ‘Fulanisation’ on social media for fear of being labelled anti-Igbo or an efulefu. Nobody is defending the govt’s struggle with the rising insecurity neither am I saying there are no criminal herdsmen. However as an Igbo man conscious of the evil Igbo domination propaganda that ultimately ended in a bloody civil war I ALWAYS feel obliged to speak on the dangers of the current ‘Fulanisation’ fallacy and hate-mongering. I have always wondered the usefulness of such silly talk. How will it dethrone Buhari or curb the rising insecurity? We need to be careful with the sentiments we propagate. Let us join hands in holding the government accountable while insisting on improved security. And the least we can do in this regard is to put the correct facts out there because not only do the unverified stories pit Nigerians against each other they also make solving the crime more difficult for our security agencies. All lives matter and the killing of priests should not be relegated to infantile political propaganda.

Blog, Lifestyle

Semper Fidelis!

  We just won’t stop! CIC Enugu Alumni just won’t stop. We keep doing great things. Now check this out. After the Multipurpose Building was commissioned in April 2016 at a cost of ₦150m. We delivered a 450-bed Dormitory commissioned at a cost of ₦250m the following year 2018. In 2019 alone we have: 1. Renovated the Medical Centre & Classrooms. 2. Commissioned a renovation project of the old hostel. 3. Sank 2 boreholes for the supply of potable water. 3. Done the school perimeter fencing. 4. Ongoing efforts to recruit the best academic staff. 5. Solar Power Projects. 6. Further Dormitory Renovations. 7. Braille Center Renovation For The Blind. And finally the BIG ONE! In July 2019 we had the Groundbreaking Event for the Multi-Purpose Sports Centre (MSC) which will be delivered in 2022 at a mind-blowing cost of $2m. Oh yes! That is TWO MILLION DOLLARS! *APPLAUSE!*APPLAUSE!! CIC was established in 1942 and over the years has positioned itself as one of the premier colleges in the South East and indeed in Nigeria as a whole. We have produced 6 governors, key military officers and countless other professionals dotted around the globe. The International Alumni, formed 14 years ago has served as a rallying point for uniting CIC graduates from far and wide for a common purpose – Uplifting our Alma mater. From just a few members the Alumni has grown into a global force with branches across 4 continents and on various Social Media Platforms. The Annual conventions have become ‘must-attend’ events with its attendant glitz and networking. What makes our Alumni unique is the unparalleled willingness to give back to the school that made us. Under the able leadership of President Emma Denchukwu & CFO Chike Okoye, novel means of raising funds have yielded handsomely with various sets competing amongst one another on the WhatsApp platform which is abuzz 24/7 to take the top spot. Each set now has a nickname with their members meeting regularly to devise new strategies to outdo the others. All this is done in very good spirit & light humour. The MPB project was an audacious N150m project conceived 6 years ago. What started as seemingly a far-fetched dream by a few snowballed into a project that captured the imagination of thousands of Alumni from all walks of life that came together on a hitherto unprecedented scale to make the dream a reality. In 2016 the MPB was commissioned amid much fanfare with Sempers converging from all over to make it a memorable event for all. This singular event made such an impression not just in Enugu but across other cities and Alma maters who have been spurred into action by the sheer scale and magnificence of what we accomplished over such a short period of time. Not resting on our laurels, a new Project was conceived – a ₦200m 450 Bed Dormitory project. This building was commissioned at the 2018 14th Annual Convention in Enugu. Over the next 3 years, we will leave no stones unturned to make the MSC a reality. Over ₦150m & $20K was raised in pledges at the just concluded Seattle Convention which was a massive success. The MSC will be the top item on the agenda at the next convention which will hold in August 2020 in London. Watch below a clip of the MSC prototype.   Cc: Chukwuma Animba (Udala Nta)

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