On This Day

On This Day: Six Killed in Explosions at ThisDay Newspaper Offices

  On this day: in history (2012), at least six people were killed in explosions at two offices of ThisDay newspaper. The explosions which occurred simultaneously rocked Thisday office in Abuja and another of its office in Kaduna.Three people were killed in the Abuja blast, with another three killed in the northern city of Kaduna.The Kaduna explosion occurred in Kontagora Road by Ahmadu Bello Way, Kaduna, Kaduna at a building housing some media houses which included Thisday, The Sun and The Moment. A spokesperson for Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency said the Abuja blast was caused by a bomb planted inside the building.Parts of the newspaper’s office, including the printing press, were completely destroyed. #myhistorydiary #history @thisdaynewspaper #nigeria #media #abuja     Created by Okey Obiabunmo