
On This Day

On The Day: Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie were assassinated in Sarajevo.

On this day 1914: Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie were assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip in what would turn out to be the casus belli of WWI. The 1908 annexation of Bosna and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, precipitated the formation of several underground pressure groups by angry Serb nationalists who believed the territories should be part of Serbia. They infiltrated other Bosnia movements and on 3 June 1910, 22-year old Žerajić, a Bosnian-Serb student and member of The Young Bosnia Movement, unsuccessfully attempted to kill the Austrian governor of Bosnia-Herzegovina, General Varešanin before killing himself. His action inspired many including Princip who made him a role model. Princip later said “when I was seventeen I passed whole nights at his grave, reflecting on our wretched condition and thinking of him. It is there that I made up my mind sooner or later to perpetrate an outrage.” In June 1914, The Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I instructed his younger brother the archduke to go and inspect the imperial armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One group notoriously named ‘The Black Hand’ which was formed for the creation of a “Greater Serbia through “terrorist action” hatched a plot to kill the archduke during his visit to Sarajevo. As his motorcade rode into the city from the train station the 1st assassin chickened out and failed to throw his bomb. The 2nd threw his bomb and it bounced off the back of the archduke’s car to detonate under the following vehicle. Seeing his failed attempt the 2nd assassin swallowed his cyanide pill and jumped into a shallow river. Unfortunately, he vomited the pill and was dragged out of the river by a crowd who beat him black and blue before handing him over to the police. Princip who was 3rd in line didn’t get a chance as the motorcade sped off to ‘the town hall where the angry archduke lamented that he was greeted by bombs on a friendly visit. He was calmed by his wife and they later decided to visit the injured in Sarajevo hospital. However, a fatal error was made as the drivers were not informed about the change in route by security officials. As they drove to the hospital the first driver took a wrong turn and the governor-general who was riding with the archduke called him out to reverse. In that brief moment as they braked Princip who had patiently waited by the roadside for the return trip shot the royal couple at point-blank range, killing both almost instantly. The archduke reportedly cried out “Sophie, Sophie! Don’t die! Live for our children!”. The assassination triggered a rapid chain of events, as Austria-Hungary immediately blamed the Serbian government for the attack. Tensions escalated with Russia backing Serbia, while Austria was backed by Germany and Bulgaria. Precisely one month later, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia beginning a 4-year conflict now known as the First World War.

Blog, On This Day

On this day 1886: 48 year old U.S President Grover Cleveland married 21 year old Frances Folsom

On this day 1886: 48 year old U.S President Grover Cleveland got married 21 year old Frances Folsom in the White House to become the first sitting president to marry in the presidential mansion. Frances whom the president fondly called Frank was the daughter of Cleveland’s former law partner. Her father died when she was just 11 and Cleveland became her legal guardian and remained close friends with her mother. This led to the belief in certain quarters that Cleveland would marry his friend’s widow. But he completely surprised them when he married Frances as soon as she turned 21. Cleveland entered the White House as a bachelor and left a married man with two kids.

Creative Essays, Diaspora Diary., Essays, Writers

Diaspora Diary: Three Words To Sum Up Life.

  We are in a strange time. A period when a tiny microbe is changing our way of life. We are now left with books, tv, music, the internet and memories. I have a memorable story to share. You know that type of incident that sticks with you for a lifetime. My dream to relocate abroad looked to have come true when I met a young man from my town named Chuks. We met at a friend’s wedding reception during the Christmas celebration. He was visiting from London and I could tell by his dress and accent. We had a couple of dates and attended some other social functions together. We had a lot in common and started seeing each other more and more. We shared jokes, fun times and stories from our life experiences and we both had ambitions to become academics abroad. While he was already doing his master’s while I had plans with my mum to apply once I finish my national youth service. When he wanted to return to his base he asked me to accompany him to Lagos. That was when he surprised me and proposed the night before he boarded a flight back to London. I was already in love or so I believed and accepted on the condition that I will join him in London. Initially, he started giving excuses that the visa process will take a long time. But I shocked him by revealing that I had dual citizenship and needed no visa to migrate to the UK, all I needed to do was renew my passport. I first became suspicious when he started acting funny after I asked for some money to make up my flight ticket. He promised to give me some money but came up with one excuse after the other. I finally told him to forget about the money when my mum made up the balance. I told him I will be coming over during the summer after passing out from NYSC. He was happy— or so I believed —  and promised to refund the money when I come. When I arrived in London that summer I discovered that he was living with a friend instead of in his own flat as he said. Again I shook off my suspicion that something was not adding up. He lied that his flat was undergoing renovation and even arranged a visit to a property his friend was renovating. I was appeased and I became hopeful that we will move back in after some weeks. Weeks turned to months and he came up with a story about an expected insurance payment that was delayed. After some time he asked me to get a loan from my mum which will be repaid once the insurance firm pays in 3 months. I hesitated but I later agreed. After all, it is ‘our house’ and my mum will happily lend it to his future son-in-law. After discussing it with my mum, she raised about four thousand pounds for him. After several months during which he sometimes travelled for ‘school excursion’ and stayed out for days, I summoned the courage to ask him about ‘our flat’. It turned out to be another fairy tale about the complications of the insurance process and all that. By this time I was already pregnant. I informed him about it and he pretended to be excited only to leave the next day without returning for three nights. I couldn’t reach him, I was horrified and confused. To make matters worse on the second day after he left I woke up to discover that his flatmate was also gone. Was this a bad dream? This can’t be happening. It gradually started dawning on me that I could have been used. Pieces of events and stories started flashing back at my mind. Is it over? Could my dream have crumbled so in just a few weeks? Luckily I already had a care job through an old friend in a church rectory. So I was busy and was earning a little but that wasn’t the plan. All subsequent attempts to reach Chuks yielded nothing. Even his friends who I know had no idea of his whereabouts. I was almost devastated. Almost but not completely. Determined to have the baby, I told my mum the whole story. She prayed for me. One of the longest prayers in my life. She then advised me to go into self-isolation for the duration of the pregnancy so that I can focus on safe delivery. I did. I deleted all my social media profiles and maintained contact with only my family and a few close friends. I wasn’t much of a religious person but I started praying more and more. God knows I needed it then. The parish priest was wonderful. He asked me to move into the guest room at the rectory at no cost. His wife always brought hot food during the winter and sometimes she stayed back to help me with cleaning. I had Chioma in June. She weighed almost 4kg but I delivered her like a Hebrew woman. I didn’t even bother to search for her father because that will spoil the joy she brought. When I got a better job with a telecoms company I moved outside London. Today, I am married to a pastor and we are now a family of five. I am also an evangelist with two books to my name. When my mum visited last month we discussed my journey.  She asked if I ever heard from my dubious suitor and I told her that I have never bothered. When she asked why, my reply was, “I have forgiven and forgotten”. She then asked how I was able to move past all the trauma. I looked at her for a long while and then slowly replied. “Mummy, it was my daughter. She brought back life into my being with her cries and smiles. Through two years while living alone


On This Day: Francis Agu Was Born.

On This Day: 1965 Francis Agu was born in Lagos to the Catholic family of Fidelis and Virginia Agu from Enugu-Ngwo, Enugu State. He was a Nigerian TV and cinema (“Nollywood”) actor. Francis was best known for his role in Living in Bondage and the long-running Nigerian television series Checkmate.

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