Essays, Writers

The Glaring Legalized Impunity by Arueze Chisom Precious.

  Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere – Martin Luther King  With tears running down his cheeks like that of a baby, grief and pain evident on his face I wondered what could make a grown man cry publicly because men don’t cry in Africa. He said “ I lived in the north for up to twelve years I never lost a finger, I came back here only for somebody to waste my son, there was no war, fighting or riot it’s not like the boy was involved in any fracas or he stole, just cold-bloodedly they wasted this boy for me O! God avenge this boy……” a father who just lost his son to police brutality lamented.  The history of SARS.                                                                                                                                                      It happens to be that the acronym SARS stands for two different things which do not ring well to Nigerians and the world at large, while one means severe acute respiratory syndrome  the other means the special anti-robbery squad. The Special anti robbery squad is a branch of the Nigeria police force under the force criminal investigation and intelligence  department ( FCCID).  It was founded in 1992 by police commissioner Simeon Danladi Midenda. The major reason SARS was formed was as a result of the killing a Nigerian Army Colonel, Col Rindam  at a police check point in Lagos. The army waged war on the police and the police went into hiding thereby making crimes be on the rise. SARS was formed with just 15  officers operating in the shadow without the knowledge of the army. SARS is one of the 14 units in the force criminal investigation and intelligence department which was established to detain, investigate and prosecute people involved in crimes like arm robbery, kidnapping and other forms of crime.  SARS now.   This evil going on in our country stares right in our faces, not one week will pass without news of how this unit of the police force has either sent a citizen to his or her early grave or have brutally handled another.  I shudder at the lack of value for human lives by the SARS officials. The target of these SARS officials are the youth and when the youth of a country suffers negatively it sets the country behind .These sets of people who are meant to secure and protect lives and properties end up doing the opposite.Their Crime range from robbery, extortion, rape, car snatching, torture blackmail, murder, framing etc. Going online will avail you the opportunity to read plethora of stories of how inhumane SARS can be . A routine stop and search turns out to be an avenue for harassment and extortion from Nigerians.  To make matters worse they are most times not answerable to  these crimes neither are they brought to book. Endless complains are filed but next to nothing is been done about it.  What has the government done?   The worst type of Injustice is pretended justice – Plato.  Since the year 2012 the special anti-robbery squad(SARS) had being connected to cases of extortion, torture, framing and blackmail. In December 2016 Segun Awosanya started the ENDSARS campaign on social media and it went viral with Nigerians sharing their stories. The federal government had promised a reform on SARS during the year 2015,2017, 2018,2019 and 2020 . Although in the year 2018 the acting president Prof. Yemi Osibanjo made a reform on  this unit of police by putting up different roles and thereby renamed it FSARS, meaning federal special anti-robbery squad which as far as I know that act can be likened to the pouring of water on a rock. As far as am concerned from the past years the federal government has done nothing but lip service to  the pleas and cries from Nigerians. This leaves me wondering if the government has our best interest at heart at all.  To reform or to abolish  Nothing is as dangerous as power with impunity – Isabel Allende  One of the steps in moving ahead is to acknowledge the fact that  you have a problem and the next is doing something about it with immediate effect. In my honest opinion, I suggest whatever that can be done to stop this impunity is  what works best for me.                                                                                                        Though I’ll like to share with you an unpopular fact.Do  you know one of the criteria for the recruitment into the special anti robbery squad(SARS)?                                                                                                                           You Must be an ex-convict.                                                                                                                                       Now can you imagine  an ex-convict who might have killed  someone, fresh out of jail without any psychological, mental,  and emotional counselling being in the position to yield a gun, and he tells you what or what not to do but this time he has the authority to shoot you.    Reference:  Wikipedia– ENDSARS  Wikipedia- SARS ( special anti-robbery squad)  Amnesty  international  2020 latest jobs, vacancies and recruitment in Nigeria 2020- SARS recruitment     Arueze Chisom Precious, a passionate writer can be reached through    

Essays, Writers

Why SARS Needs To Be Reformed by Olomu Michael.

  Lately the word ‘SARS’ an acronym for the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, have been a trending talk in the Nation. The Special Anti-Robbery Squad commonly known as SARS, a unit of the Nigeria Police Force under the Force Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department, which was founded in 1992 by a retired Commissioner of Police, Simeon Danladi and who was also the Nigerian Contingent Commander to United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1998. The retired Police Commissioner then added the word  “Special’’ to the already existing Anti-Robbery Squad operation then, which in turn, is presently known as SARS.  No doubt! Recently there have been several accusations and allegations by the citizens of the country, allegations strong enough to scrap the SARS unit from the Nigeria Police Force.  Allegations such as kidnapping, rape, stealing, inhumane torture, killings etc and lot of negative vices inclined to SARS have been so alarming. Testimonies pouring out from individuals and masses of this beloved country of ours, backed up with physical evidence is of no doubt nothing but the truth of these allegations.    Several proposals have been forwarded to the Federal Government to end the dreadful behaviour of SARS against the citizens it is meant to protect, seems as though the effort channelled by the citizens to bring the SARS to justice have simultaneously been ignored. Thus making the citizens of the country to take matters into their hands, leading to vigorous protest been raised on the street and various social media handlings tagged as “#End SARS”. The recent resolution by the citizens which led to this crucial action defines the unbearable state of the people towards SARS; therefore the need by the Federal Government to look into this matter with immediate effect cannot be neglected and overemphasized on. The allegations against the Nigeria Police Force Unit, which has been proving beyond doubt as fact and truth is more than enough evidence to bring SARS to justice, as long as the law exist no one is free from impunity. The creation of the Unit is aimed at fighting vices and negative activities in the country. However with these allegations which goes against the rules and regulation aimed at what they were meant to do, that is ‘To protect the citizens of the country’. It’s now mandatory indeed to bring the SARS unit back on track to make them realize the full definition and objectives of their offices.  I, standing against the abolishment of the SARS unit does not mean that am going against the masses request. Before taking matters into our hands, we need to weigh the consequences of our decision. Have met people in one way or the other giving testimonies on how SARS saved their communities from rogues, roadside criminals, cultist, helped them to recover stolen gadget and finance restoration from scammers etc. No doubt to some extent SARS have been of help to the community and nation at large. SARS in some part of the country are doing an appreciative job worth of thanks and gratitude’s by the people. We can’t use the sins and crimes of others to paint an entire organisation ‘black’. The question we need to ask ourselves as human is, what could be the reason behind such behaviour by this personnel? I believe in the process of reforming this organisation, we will find the answers we seek for.  Just in, Lagos state house of assembly asks the Federal Government to scrap SARS. Fact is; if such request is finally granted, who will secure our roads and communities? When you scrap them from the system then what happens to their internally developed attitude? In my opinion they need re-orientation and proper education on what duties and services demands in the society. I go with ‘Reform’ and not scrapping off, they can’t be totally bad. We need them now more than ever. With the rate of increase number of; fraudster, criminals, youth becoming terror to the society and community at large, all these vices needs to be put in checked. So far so good, SARS have been doing well in tackling these issues. Scrapping SARS is not the problem but I hope the level of fraudulent activities will not increase more in Nigeria; we also need to think about these things. Instead of ending SARS, it should be “Reformed”. It’s an anti-robbery squad and the present Nigeria needs a reformed SARS more than ever.   In conclusion, the Federal Government should call SARS to order, scrutinize them by giving them all necessary trainings to build up their mental capacity which will enable them understand vividly the aims and objectives of their job. The SARS most take the cognizance of the fact that the survival fate of the people rest in their hands.          Olomu Oladipupo Micheal, a Chemical engineering graduate of the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger state, wrote in via        

Essays, Writers

SARS Reformation: A Short Letter To My Fatherland by Femi Alonge.

Dear Fatherland,  I am the voice of pro-nationalism, and I write to you with a heavy but hopeful heart. I write to you with urgency and resolve, so that you may understand the gravity of the issue at hand.  There have been multiple allegations and demonstrations that question the basis of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a unit of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF). It is disturbing that SARS, an official national security unit, is publicly viewed by the Nigerian citizenry as an object of terror. Thus, the persons who were supposed to be beneficiaries are now victims of their internal security, or better still, in-security.  Furthermore, there have been several claims and reports of Nigerians who have been assaulted, harassed, brutalized, or extra-judicially killed by SARS. Nigerian youths, journalists, human rights groups, and lawyers, among others, have publicly condemned these unconstitutional acts. From the several news reports and public SARS demonstrations, there is sufficient evidence to allude to their brutality and extrajudicial killings. The fact speaks for itself. The proof lies in the pool of blood on the streets, the grief, and the agony in the air. Ultimately, the Nigerian people are agitated and call for the outright abolition of the special police force unit, while only a few support a reformation. Which is better?  This is the question we must answer. However, we must understand where we are coming from to know where we are going. SARS is a security unit that appeared on the Nigerian scene in the military era of 1992.[i] The team was created to detain, investigate, and prosecute armed robbery perpetrators. Thus, SARS became a security parastatal empowered to eradicate cases of robbery and other related crimes in the country. Today, there is nationwide unrest, as members of the SARS unit incessantly torture and arbitrarily wreak brutality on the masses.  Accordingly, this is why I have over 200 million reasons to support the reformation of SARS – one for each Nigerian. However, I do not support abolition. Hear my express thoughts on the issue at hand.  If SARS is abolished, we should ask ourselves; who will fill the vacuum created in the combat against assault and robbery operations? SARS is the only anti-robbery dedicated to combatting robbery operations in a country with a high rate of violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery at 71.65%.[ii] Thus, if we are to go by the mischief rule of interpretation, the primary objective for which SARS was created still exists. So, why abolish a system that is combatting the menace it was designed to tackle due to operational defects? In such a situation, the ideal thing will be to focus energy on resolving such defects.  It is vital to state that SARS has boycotted several robbery operations due to its search and seizure powers. Therefore, the issue is when innocent citizens are harassed and brutalized based on suspicion. This means that the problem is not with the idea behind SARS, but their modus operandi and the individuals at the wheel of implementation. It is true that 2015[iii] and 2019[iv] SARS reformations merely announced SARS’ departmentalization into operational and investigation units, and decentralization, respectively. However, a change of name does not correspond to a change of methods or results – action is needed.  What is required is a sustainable framework that will restructure the operations of SARS to specifically address violent crimes. Thus, these are the reasons for my position, and why I propose the following three steps to an actionable reformation of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad unit known as SARS:  Reformation of the powers of SARS and the NPF unit regarding their use of force or firearms: this implies that the use of brute force or firearms by SARS officers should be restricted to specific situations of imminent threat or danger – danger to their lives or those of others, and their properties. The 1999 Nigerian Constitution[v] indeed allows for the broad use of lethal force, and the Force Order 237 significantly permits the use of force.[vi] However, none of these provisions empower SARS operatives to harm innocent citizens, or shoot to kill persons who do not attempt to resist arrest or pose an imminent threat. Thus, this brings me to the next point below.  Prosecution of felonious acts and extrajudicial killings of defaulting SARS officers: one other primary reason for the nationwide agitation is the non-condemnation and non-prosecution of SARS officers perpetuating these preposterous acts under the disguise of official duty. It will serve as a check on arbitrary use of force and abuse of powers if defaulting SARS officers are made an example of in the courtrooms or detention facilities.  Medical evaluation: this means that all officers should be subjected to weekly medical check-ups to test for the use of drugs and narcotics and to assess their psychological state. This medical report system will help put SARS operatives in check and ascertain the competence and sanity of these security officials to appropriately exercise their duties.  I urge you to listen to the grieving mother’s crying tears and the widowed wife’s young orphan. I ask that you reason with my plea for security and foster law and order in the country. I encourage you to adopt my honest recommendations for the SARS reformation.  I look forward to a better Nigeria.  Yours truly,  Signed: the voice of pro-nationalism.            REFERENCES  [i] Nnadozie, E. (2017, December 23). How I founded SARS in the Police – RTD CP Midenda. Retrieved from .  [ii] Crime in Nigeria. (2020, October). Numbeo. Retrieved from  [iii] Police IG splits anti-robbery squad, SARS, to check abuses. (2015, August 7). Premium Times Nigeria. Retrieved from  [iv] Pulse Nigeria. (2019, January 21). IGP Adamu orders immediate disbandment of SARS. Retrieved from  [v] The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFRN).  [vi] Law on police use of force in Nigeria. (2020, July 2). The Law on Police Use of Force. Retrieved from      Femi Alonge is a goal-driven law student aspiring to become a top-tier legal practitioner with global recognition in the corporate and commercial law practice. He wrote in via

Essays, Writers

SARS: Reform Rather Than Abolish by Paul Akherialea.

It is always disheartening whenever I recall that the ones we are suppose to run to for help are now the ones we run away from. Indeed, it has gotten out of hand and the recent ban action of the Federal Government was not only timely but also necessary.   I do not think anything can suffice to being truthful, sincere and innocent yet having your life at the mercy of a police officer who in a jiffy can end all the beautiful dreams and leave your loved ones with scars in their hearts that may never heal just because of a few ‘penny’. I have seen how SARS officers would shove innocent youths and even teenagers into the back of their squad car, punching and pushing them. Scared and stunned about what was happening yet they cannot help themselves or say a word. The most saddening aspect of it all is that, some of these victims do not even know why they are being arrested or what they had done wrong.     Unarguably, the increase of fatal police interactions, oppression, intimidation, harassment, outright extortion, armed robbery and even rape of the Nigerian masses who strive every day for a better life has grossly deteriorated the name and honor of the Nigeria Police Force and consequently, the nation. However, we still cannot demean the good works of the Nigeria Police, particularly, SARS. The fear of being caught by this ‘unexpected guests’ has made many slums and ghettos refrain from so many immoral practices. Undoubtedly, SARS has gradually help to curb the rate of ‘internet robbery’ of the group of fraudsters we commonly call the ‘yahoo boys’. Juvenile delinquency and deviationist practices such as rape, drug abuse, robbery, carnage, mayhem among others have been gradually reduced.  Although, in 1992 when this branch of the Nigeria Police Force was founded by former police commissioner; Simeon Danlandi Midenda, it wasn’t a round table planned work but a quick intervention to bring peace to the uproar in Lagos, when Colonel Rindam, a Nigerian Army Colonel was killed by police officers, today, to an extent, it has served it purposes as regarding its modus operandi in the Nigeria Police Force.    Therefore, looking at it from both sides, though I’ve had my own share of the sour experience of how inhumane and brutal FSARS can be, I opine that rather than totally abolishing the role of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) it should be reformed. But this time, thoroughly reformed. The founder and former police commissioner; Simeon Danlandi Midenda, said this firsthand, “The secret behind the successes of the original SARS was its facelessness and its mode of operation. We operated in plain clothes and used plain vehicles that could not be associated with security or any government agency. Members could not carry Walkie Talkie openly talk less of guns. With the spate of robberies in Lagos, we realized the danger of carrying weapons openly. We also realized that by carrying weapons openly, we have destroyed the element of surprise”.1 Taking a close look at the modus operandi of SARS during its formation, you would agree with me that the major reason for their recent unbearable actions is because they have deviated from their role.  Recently, Nigerian award-winning musician, Mr. Eazi tweeted, “Dear Nigerian leaders, we need police reform laws urgently. It’s been 15 years since the killing of the #ApoSix and our young men and women are still being harassed by those who should protect us.”2 According to his comment, police reform laws are urgently needed. I also, buy into this idea. Now more than ever, FSARS needs a thorough purging and overhauling. In Chemical Engineering (which I am currently pursuing my first degree in) I am taught that when a system is clogged with particulate solids, these clogs are removed by a method called purging. Purging is a process of removing the clogs in a system by means of applying pressure.   I hold firm the belief that the major reason the reformation operation of FSARS has not been efficient over the years is because the necessary pressure has not been applied. At the accurate temperature, every substance melts, not excluding diamond. I believe this also finds application in this case. Rigid rules on prosecution and ‘actual’ prosecution must be put in place to flush away every clog from the system.    Further, In August 2018, Yemi Osinbajo, Vice President, as the Acting President, ordered the IGP, Idris, to overhaul SARS management and activities. Osinbajo said that the unit that will emerge from the ‘process’, must be intelligence-driven and restricted to the prevention and detection of armed robbery and kidnapping, and apprehension of offenders linked to the stated offences.3 Against this, Omoyele Sowore, an activist and publisher of Sahara Reporters described the announcement as a scam, and recalled a similar action in 2017. He said they rebranded SARS to FSARS in 2017 and since then SARS has killed more youths, adding that only a disbandment and dismantling of SARS is acceptable. From my point of view, while it is true that there have been more recent negative reports of abuse, torture and killings by some SARS officers, the upsides of crime rate and killings they have resisted should also be counted and considered.4 Undoubtedly, the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) have been doing very well in fighting violent crimes such as armed robbery, kidnappings and cattle rustling in the country in the recent time and this has resulted in drastic reduction of incidents of the mentioned violent crimes nationwide.5    In addition, SARS is beyond a ‘Tactical Squad’ put in place by the Nigeria Police Force. SARS are the individual members of it. I believe that it is not arguable that even if the operation of SARS is abolished, most of its members will still find a slot in the Nigeria Police Force. When this happens, the parade of fear and panic may continue. This is because, obviously, the brutality stems up from the heart of the people who make up the FSARS. So, emphatically, I suggest that a thorough reformation of the Nigeria Police Force is what is needed. Also, as a result of the impending uproar and movement of the operation #EndSARS, Big Brother Naija: Lockdown housemate, Ozo, wrote on his page, “SARS is not just a set of

Essays, Writers

An Overview Of The Operations Of SARS: A Call For Reformation by Folarin Oluwatimilehin.

Two years ago, I decided to accompany my elder brother – Oluwasayo to pay our grandmother a visit in the village. Shockingly, men well dressed in the uniform of one of the security agencies in the state appeared in our front, bizarrely looking at the vehicle we were in. “Good afternoon men of the law,” my brother muttered while gazing at them lustrously. As usual, he presented his driving documents and was about to continue with the journey when a hefty man stepped out of a car painted in black. He whispered to one of his boys, “Is that young man refusing to cooperate?” Inexplicably, my auricle sent the sound waves to my tympanic membrane. I became bewildered and was out of clue on what will likely supervene.  Shortly, while distending his right hand towards our vehicle, one of the men in uniform was expecting my brother to give out part of his hard-earned money. “It seems you are teasing,” Oluwasayo shouted. “You are going nowhere if you fail to comply with us young man,” another hefty man said as he pointed a gun in our direction. At this moment, I was flabbergasted with what I was seeing. We had no other option than to consent to the coerced norms of giving those men in uniform some cash they do not deserve.   Nevertheless, I did not pay attention to the name inscribed on their uniform until last weekend when I had to recall that those lads who exhibited the unscrupulous act that fateful day are now being painted all over the social media. Recently, there have been massive demonstrations against the presence of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) – a petrifying anti-crime unit of the Nigeria Police Force. This followed after numerous exasperating and appalling acts they perpetrate.  Engrossed in curiosity to comprehend the history of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in the land, I came across some awe-inspiring realities. According to the founder of SARS that was instituted in 1992 – Simeon Danladi Midenda, Anti-Robbery is a special approach of the Nigeria Police Force to conquer the superfluous robbery cases in the nation. He further stated that SARS initially stayed undercover, monitoring radio communication of conventional police operatives. As a result, on hearing the trumpet of a robbery incident, SARS would go out with speed, dispersing in different teams to predetermined locations.  Interestingly, the early days of this security body christened SARS gained colossal appraisal in Lagos in the 1990s when they never stood on the road looking for robbers, but rather, skillfully track them unannounced. Simeon Danladi also remarkably said, “We did not receive direct complaints from members of the public but allowed the Divisional Police Officers (DPOs) to do their job and transfer to us ingrained armed robbery cases for further follow-up actions.” This is to ensure that the duties of SARS are carried out impeccably with their identity undisclosed to the general public.  Sadly, how the operation of SARS got to where it is today is highly disheartening. There has been an evident deviation from the original concept, and the controversies engulfing SARS in recent days cannot be addressed unless the definition of headway is reconsidered. Mandatorily, they should undergo reorientation and afterwards, evaporate from public view and stay faceless as they were in the early days of their establishment.  Further reinforcing the disgusting acts perpetrated by the special law enforcement agency in the nation, ‘Sahara reports’ stated that in the South-East zone, N9.35Billion (over 60 Million US Dollars) was illegitimately made from 1,350 Check-points in 18 Months. Strangely, nothing less than N3.5 Billion has been lost by the people to kidnappers in the same zone since 2007.[1] This is to show that the primary duties of the security body in question have been left unattended to. However, they are ecstatically deriving pleasure in exploiting the populace.  Also, Nigerian rapper and actor, Ikechukwu Onunaku, stated his dissatisfaction over being assailed by operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad at the Lekki Phase 1 area of Lagos State. The famous rapper said that “SARS operatives pulled him out of the Uber he was in, bundled him into their Hilux van, and drove him to Lagos Island.” Further expressing his dissatisfaction with the ugly incident that befell him, Ikechukwu made known to the public that the SARS operatives said they would implicate him if he dared to prove stubborn.”[2]    Unarguably, the proliferation of anti-crime operations that ought to be targeted at curtailing crimes by the federal police has resulted in barbarous, unbearable, and degrading treatment of the citizens, especially the youths. It is now a crime for an average Nigerian who works so hard to purchase iPhone from funds gotten from business, scholarships, or other lawful means. The Special Anti-Robbery Squad has also made the use of laptops with high specification a crime in this present dispensation. A young lad with an expensive laptop which he/she uses for rendering 3D projects, modeling of world-class structural designs, or other similar purposes, will not be allowed to live in peace in the world where SARS tends to be threatening youth existence.      Joyfully, in December 2014, songs of praises saturated the atmosphere of the nation when police authorities launched ‘human rights manual’ proscribing the cruelty and other ill-treatment of citizens. Buttressed by international bodies and civil society groups in Nigeria, the manual was embraced for use in all police training colleges as part of the police reform, and to address concerns about police delinquency. However, in practice, SARS has failed to implement the instructions in the manual.[3] So sad!    Grabbing the bull by the horn, truth be told, the legal system in Nigeria needs to be questioned. According to S.O Nnamani, a lecturer of International Law and Jurisprudence, human rights are those privileges that all individuals should enjoy by the virtue of their humanity. Human rights protect individuals against oppression, exploitation, and many other social ills.[4] If this holds true, the malicious actions by men in uniform in the nation are not just insults to our human rights, but also a public display of the failed legal system in the land. If not for the continued crying by the masses on Twitter, we would be voluntarily wallowing in the ocean of extortion, assault, and murder forever.    However, rather than abolishing the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, and expose the nation to frequent theft, Police training and assessment need to be rejuvenated, reinforced, and revived. This calls for the reformation of SARS to a new unit with firsthand structural operations for a better and improved service delivery. The re-organization of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad should be engineered towards ensuring international core values are attained. Also, integrity and patriotism should be the watchword of all security men.    Going forward, an independent unit should be set up to solidify the use of modernised defensive measures such as surveillance cameras. Likewise, unique tactics must be employed under the umbrella of anonymity for effective spatial crime detection. In doing so, the new set of standard policies will safeguard the interest of the people. Not just being one-sided in a crucial judgmental moment, I will have to reiterate it again that abolishing SARS will only result in an amplified rate of robbery cases because many people will take advantage of the loophole to establish their long-hidden desire to cause havoc by engaging in recurrent burgling. Hence, a reformation will be a more appropriate option.    In conclusion, with the hashtag #EndSARS enveloping the atmosphere of the social media last weekend, it is imperative to dance to the tune of the

Blog, Essays

The Audacity Of Impunity by Segun Awosanya

The series of unfortunate events (dearth of National cum internal security due to over concentration on Regime Security) in the past 3years in Nigeria clearly demonstrate that there is no rights to personal liberty in Nigeria. Despite the fact that the clarity of the 1999 constitution as amended on that matter is obvious to the blind- “Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly, no person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment.” — Section 34 (1) The Impunity of our police service especially those of the special Anti-Robbery Squad is alarming. The purpose of policing has since be altered for some evil agenda weaponized against the innocent citizenry, with an unwritten clear mandate to terrorize the youth of our nation based on recent data as mined by the #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG Movement over one year of advocacy. There are growing Concerns on adolescent killings across Nigeria. — Emeka Ojinze obtained his VISA to the UAE to study alternative energy sources but was killed in the Anambra in 2017) by a Policeman seeking to extort him, He was 23. Angela Nkechi Igwetu, a corper in Abuja, with just a few hours to passing out, but was gunned down by a trigger happy Police officer. She was 23. Richard Peter Gora was tortured to death by Policemen over a N10,000 Phone he allegedly bought in the market, purported by police to have been stolen in Kaduna. He was 22. Sofiyat Yekin, a nursing mother in Bodija Ibadan, Oyo State, was gunned down by a police while displaying their show of force while intimidating innocent youth in the area for extortion. She was 23. Final year student Salisu Haruna, plunged to his death in a well in Ekpoma Edo State, while trying to escape the religious abduction by the special anti-cultist squad (SACS) that terrorizes the hostel he visited. He wasn’t found until days later. He was 23. Mrs Kudirat was killed by the bullet of SARS operatives showing force and high handedness while chasing young boys perceived indiscriminately by them to be yahoo boys. There are many others shot in the head in public, and several okada riders & bus drivers killed over bribes. Studies also have shown that over 2000 persons have been killed extrajudicially in the past 10years by the police without any closure on the cases and a plethora of cases of abduction and unjust incarceration without charges running into thousands across Nigeria. Suffice to say that the abuse of human rights in Nigeria is becoming a culture. It is helpful to think about what keeps criminals under control in our society. Ask any sane police officer globally: it is not the police and the courts who keep criminals at bay. It is the society as a whole. It is the ordinary people who call the police when they hear a problem starting. It is the ordinary people who trust the police and cooperate with them to bring criminals to justice. That public trust is held by a thin line which only works when it is backed up by the vast majority of ordinary people. This, by the way, is why police brutality is so damaging to law and order in our society. If ordinary people lose trust in the police, they wonʼt call and they wonʼt cooperate. If they fear that calling the police to solve crime could result in their neighborsʼ kids being shot dead, they wonʼt call. And they also wonʼt cooperate in more serious cases. Without community back up, the “thin line of trust” starts to feel very thin indeed. And criminals become bolder. Today, Citizens are violated by Police every 45minutes if not less across Nigerian major cities. Only a fraction of these human rights abuses is reported. Of the reported cases 90% border on armed robbery and kidnapping for ransom using police stations as bases or driving round in circles on our highways while inflicting horrendous physical and psychological damages to their innocent victims. A wise man once said our adaptability can be both a blessing and a curse, a prolonged look upon wonder and abomination begins to make them mundane. The system, however, is not broken, it was built that way leading to the current spiraling execrable standards of the modern day when compared to what is obtainable in saner climes. We have journeyed from domesticity to embracing primitivism under the oppression and impunity of a vile and anachronistic police system. But each time the people demand accountability, it is often met with media costuming and prevarication. They begin to mention training, addition of tags and dramatic reactions that simply move furniture around without any definite, effective or meaningful restructuring. A Yoruba apothegm aptly states that it is not he who was struck by a reckless driver that makes mental note of the registration number of the vehicle. Those ignorantly chanting the litotes of Police with the suggestion of reformation of SARS must understand that the culture of impunity of SARS has been ingrained in the system thus becoming a metastasized cancer which will require a total shutdown before it destroys the entire police system which can still be salvaged if we act fast enough. In this situation where our policing system has been hijacked by ethnic brigade as balkanized, with bold unconscionable pronouncements by the police on the daily, just to maintain the status quo of the ecology of their delicate organized crime syndicate, it clearly demonstrates the ominous tragedy that lies in wait. We must not culture cancer but ensure it is severed (EndSARS), while we intensively and surgically focus on a holistic reform of the police system (ReformPoliceNG). A government that cannot protect the lives and properties of her citizens lacks legitimacy. As likened to a man who procures a fast horse at the expense of feeding his children…thus stripped of his income by a sane and conscious society. In the face of overwhelming statistical evidence, There is no point disagreeing

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