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Winners: Easter Contest

We published 12 entries for this Easter Contest which you can read here and the winners of the N100,000 cash prize emerged following our peer review on 16/04/2023. 1. The Igbo — Yoruba Mistrust by Chukwuemeka Oluka was the clear favourite as it received 3 nominations and was the most discussed story. The writer traced the political history of suspicion between the Igbos and Yorubas leading up to the recent events of the 2023 elections. He made an objective and balanced analysis before offering suggestions on the way forward; “Starting with Lagos, Igbo residents in Lagos and their host communities should realize that Lagos is better when the two tribes work together.” It takes courage to broach let alone do justice to this sensitive topic but Chukwuemeka has never dreaded uncharted paths. For that and the earlier stated reasons, his opinion piece wins the competition’s star price of N30,000. Congratulations Chukwuemeka. 2. Messindinho The Unfeeling Beast by Emmanuel Enaku got 2 nominations and was the second most discussed story. The writer who is growing into the darling of our community now owns this Messidinho character whom he has used in previous stories. It is impressive how he manages to show dexterity in each story. This time Messidinho plots to avenge a wrong by his friend while still finding time to indulge in his characteristic eroticism. The ruthless execution of his plan leaves the reader wondering what manner of character is this. Congratulations Emmanuel. This story wins N20,000. 3. Rotten Tooth by Kenneth Nwabuisi received 3 nominations. In this story about sibling rivalry Kenneth once again proved to be a wonderful storyteller. Narrated in a timeline, with great dialogue and expressions like; “No. I mean I understand how you feel, but I wouldn’t advise you to let this feeling grow. I may be unavailable for it at the moment because I’m currently seeing someone.” the fractious relationship and vengeful acts of two sisters will have you reading to the explosive climax. What a wonderful story! Well done Kenneth. This story wins N10,000. 4. TAMING tHE Thug! by Becky Peleowo had a nomination and I love the creative caption. Writing about the experience of a young man who reluctantly decides to be a political thug for the first time, the writer in some parts reminded me of Virginia Woolf’s stream of consciousness as her ink flowed through past events. She effortlessly brought one of the often overlooked causative factors of thuggery to the fore and wove an emotional tale that showed her creative talent. Congratulations Becky. I enjoyed this story and the last line was poignant. This story wins N10,000 5. Celebrating New Life: A Poem By Solomon Ekoja got a deserved nomination as the writer continues to prove his versatility. It wins N10,000 Thug by Victor Oladejo and Miracle: A Poem by Stephen Ayilegbe earns N10,000 each for consistency and courage respectively. The other entries were equally good and I loved the poems JUST WHY? by Becky and If I Were Jesus by Chukwuemeka. I haven’t written one in ages and I’m inspired to do so by reading these works. I vowed to be stricter in enforcing our rules and more capitalist in rewarding excellence, thus in line with the first part some entries were rejected for ignoring the instructions and not meeting our editorial standards but all writers were rewarded including those that had only one published entry. However, every day will not be Easter going forward. Writers are advised to join our Whatsapp group to keep abreast of our activities by sending an email request to admin@cmonionline.com as only those who participate in our peer reviews will be eligible for the prize. Also, endeavour to get a domain of your own to start building your platform. Feedback has been sent to some writers and you can always refer to our free resources and this post in particular for tips that will help you to improve your writing. We thank everyone who participated in this competition and those who have been on the journey with us. Our special appreciation goes to Newross & Co who sponsored this contest. Congratulations to all!

Blog, Poetry, Writers

The Sad Period Of Grace : A Poem by by Emmanuel Enaku

When I was younger, I was told the story of a child. A child born in a manger, in hay and under the clouds. I was told of the wise men – who came bearing gifts. Christmas is the season, a time to celebrate. Now that I am older, I know of Easter. A time that brings the harsh realities Of death to the forefront. I know of the pains, the travails and The hurts my saviour took for my sake. I’m glad every day because I remember the sacrifice of God. To be born just to die for a sinful soul like mine. Would it be Easter or would it be Christmas? A question whose answer I yet cannot tell. I know we must celebrate the Birth of Christ, saviour and friend It is His will to see us glad and Prospering as we remember his birth. A time of love and generosity. When we remember that a saviour had come. But the death of Christ has many Symbols we cannot just ignore. The body was broken for our healing The blood for our sins The resurrection — a reassurance. Oh, if I were to choose Between Christmas or Easter, I would choose A time that makes me reflect. A time when my debts were paid in full. I would choose Easter which reminds me Of my saviour’s sacrifices. I would choose a time when I am Assured that because Christ’s body Was broken, mine is quickened That my ailments were paid for By the strips of my saviour. If I were to pick between Christmas and Easter I would pick Easter. A time of reflection A time I am reminded of how fickle I am I would choose Easter, that makes me know I am a beloved of God. Oh, Easter, who took a precious one One who cannot be replaced. His blood, a ransom for my sinful self Surely, I would choose Easter when my Lord was sold. For pieces of corruptible coins. Easter, though, is not as jolly as Christmas Yet has a more powerful meaning A time when my Lord said it is finished. His blood, an atonement To put me at-one-ment with God I would choose Easter, that reminds me Of my saviour’s unconditional love Of my saviour and his triumph over death. The resurrection, a gleaming Ray of hope. Yes, it would be my choice. At Easter, I know my pain is gone At Easter, I know my cares are gone At Easter, I know my fears are gone All because my Lord said so in a phrase so true. It is finished. And so, as I look up to the sky, Waiting on the day when Jesus comes Just to take me to his father’s mansion I will not forget Easter The period he paid it all. Easter over Christmas, my heart says. Easter over Christmas, my soul screams I would love the Lord until the day he comes Because Easter keeps him alive In me, with me and for me.

Blog, Poetry, Writers

JUST WHY? a poem by Becky Peleowo

They said he died for me And washed away my sins They said his bloody stripes heals every bruise and pain They said he rose again from a tomb As he does every year and triduum! They said he loves me so And erased my every sin But why does he love me so? I stole his brother’s hammer And hit it on his sister’s head I cursed and denied his Mama And scattered his father’s herd The little ones he beckoned to himself I abandoned to the world as prey Yet all my secret scarlet sins They said he cleansed without delay. And why does he love me so? I snub him at the chapel Yet he guards through turbulent nights Like Cain, I misused the scalpel Unwavering still, he dots on my kind His palms, his feet, his bleeding side; His friends denying, his mother sighing, His mercy and cries of “Eli, lama sabathani” Each Easter story, I hear from grandma Pressured, I embraced his love but why? Not for his herd who calls his name just for the fame Not for the fast from food but for the abstinence from sin Not for the bunny nor the Easter eggs for bread Neither for the games that end the paschal feast Not for identity in his fold nor the Pharisees’ praise Not for the glamorous robes donned at Easter dawn Not for the seasoned lamb on a platter of gold But for the lamb that was slain and is slain each day in sin. And now why should I love him so? They said he died for me And washed away my sins They said his bleeding stripes heals every bruise and pain His sacrifice, my gain, he wishes that I replicate The washing of feet and sharing of bread To live his life the way I bear his name, Christ-like – no more from me, no less. On why he loves me, he said; To pass on the good in the multiplication of bread To break the bread of hate and drink the wine for peace To wash the feet from greed and the stains of sin To carry the cross and know it’s not an easy road To follow his path and rid the heart of scores of wrong To raise the eye in prayer to him when words fail the lips To feast in his name, to make him the host To shout the hossanna cry in spirit and truth. Just why does he still love me? I have cursed and caused, Lots of trouble in his name Forty days he sacrificed Forty days, I compromised In his sweats were drops of blood, In my sweat were the wages of the weak Why have you forsaken me? His yearly cry, Why have you forsaken me, my only prayer. So I sat on the staircase at noon And heard his reply to all my whys? His hands in nails, his side in pain, From his words so pure came the reply, Father, forgive them, For they know not what they do.

Blog, Poetry, Writers

If I Were Jesus: A Poem by Chukwuemeka Oluka

Come to think of it; Jesus was quite humble while on earth If I were Jesus that resurrected from the dead, I would run round the streets of Jerusalem with my disciples I would run shouting, ‘who dey breeeeeet!’ I would walk me like a king before the Jews I would walk with my shoulders high I would walk before Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod If I were Jesus, I won’t ride on a donkey I would ride on their guilt I would rub it on their faces With majesty and power, I would ride If I were Jesus, I would lash out on my disciples They doubted my resurrection story They sold their faith and bought fear Small wonder, they left me lonely at Gethsemane Oh Gethsemane! Many were thy sorrow How can I forget thy torture? How can I forget the pain and anguish? My sweats of blood dotted thy garden Oh Gethsemane! Jerusalem’s Olives Mount Green were thy leaves, green were thy memories Scene of agony, betrayal and arrest Yet Zebedee’s sons found thy garden a sleeping bed If I were Jesus, the chief priests would find unrest The people will find them liars On blasphemy they accused me, The Jews would know the true story If I were Jesus, Would I drink that cup of suffering? If only Zebedee’s wife knew, She wouldn’t dare make the request. How dare me be Jesus, slain The spotless lamb without stain Slain for sin; slain for my gain Jesus Christ is that lamb The Lamb was beaten in gangs On Calvary’s tree, He hangs Jerusalem’s women beheld the pangs Of our dying Jesus on good Friday Now, how good is Good Friday? What is good about the day? Good my sins were washed away Jesus died for my sins This is why I won’t shout, ‘who dey breeeeeet!’ I would reflect on the mystery of salvation All things have become a new edition On Easter, heralds the celebration If I were Jesus, I wouldn’t revenge He forgave me when I was at the edge I am glad, I sing no dirge Jesus died that I may live Heaven is wedded to Earth Man is reconciled to his creator This is why Jesus rose from the dead Halleluiah! This is Easter! Jesus broke the chains of death He destroyed sin forever He rose triumphant from the grave Halleluiah! This is Easter! I adore you, O Jesus, and I praise you By your death, I am born anew By your rising from the dead, you paid my due Halleluiah! This is Easter! How can I celebrate new life at Easter? ‘If I were Jesus’ I will never say again ‘I want to be like Jesus’ I say, instead Wearing a new life in His image

Blog, Poetry, Writers

Celebrating New Life: A Poem by Solomon Ekoja

Tick after tick Three decades beckoned Like spider webs Woven with spurned promises Around the scripture ceiling Of Matthew: 1:21 On came the anthem From river Jordan With sounds of an acapella baptism Till the spirits solo Echoed within the wilderness Forty days and forty night Fasting all along Like a lonely iroko On an icy oasis From stone to bread Through the pinnacle jump Temptations came calling Till the written word Knocked off the tempters plot It’s Good Friday But nothing seemed good Coz heaven’s filled with tears For a broken communion With the earth bound Son At Gethsemane Flowers became thorns With each groaning stroke From the saviours side Came bloodlike sweats Like athletes Running across an Olympic track Hell quaked in jubilation When thirty pieces of silver Sealed the transaction For the final sacrifice Like a mighty hurricane Came soldiers in droves Guided by a foes kiss To seize the Messiah Who was the true Light That lightens the world Lash after lash Sicknesses flew Wounds after bruise Transgressions gave way Till mortal man condemned the eternal creator Sent from the Father Heaven’s silent At man’s ignorance For substituting Barabbas With the Lord from heaven On the cross hung my sin Like a prisoner Awaiting the firing squad On Lagos island Should’ve been my death But mercy said no It’s Sabbath But Sabbath smelt foul Without the crucified Christ From tent to tent Animals’ necks kissed knives To atone for sin Already paid for in full By the Sinless one Early Easter Sunday morning Maidens went to anoint The precious body Of their buried Lord Alas! The tombs empty With tears like a river The Angel quipped for joy He is risen Alleluia! Jesus is risen To give us life For new life to come Strike the firework of bad character To knock out sin He that stole, steal no more He that fought, fight no more He that lusted, lust no more He that lied, lie no more He that fornicated, fornicate no more He that coveted, covet no more He that strove, strive no more She that envied, envy no more She that cursed, curse no more She that seduced, seduce no more She that slandered, slander no more She that gossiped, gossip no more She that brawled, brawl no more She that nagged, nag no more For the malicious, shun malice For the Unforgiving, learn to forgive For the hater, learn to love For the drunkard, drink no more For the backbiter, backbite no more For the angry, be angry no more For the jealous, rejoice with others Care for the sick Help the helpless Visit the bereaved Give to the needy Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Pray for others Then Believe on Jesus’ resurrection And new life will spring forth Like a golden hibiscus Emerging from a fertile humus Under the charming smile From heavens sun.

Blog, News

Easter Writing Contest.

Holidays make good writing prompts and with the general elections behind us, we now have the time to do what we love doing. So for another 100k let’s go! Please read the instructions below before choosing from the following topics; INSTRUCTIONS: The word count is (500-1000) ±10%  for poetry and (2000 )± 10% for the rest. Send in at least 2 but not more than 3 entries from at least 2 genres. The deadline for submission is 11:59 pm 12/04/2023 Important!!! Entries with multiple errors will not be published. Topics. 1. Easter or Christmas? (Poetry) 2. Write about the experience of a young man who decides to be a political thug for the first time. (Fiction) 3. Revenge is best served chilled. (Fiction) 4. How can we celebrate new life on Easter? (Poetry) 5. Nigeria’s indivisibility; a case of sacrosanctity or sycophancy? A study of the Lagos-Igbo crises. (Opinion) 6. The menace of political thuggery in Nigeria; Implications and solutions. (Research Essay) Submit via email to admin@cmonionline.com  Note: Endeavour to read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions. WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform. We will publish the essays as they come. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. Share your essays widely for others to read. Note that we have switched to peer review, so follow us on Twitter to participate in the spaces we host to determine the winners. The date will be announced in due course. Good luck!

Join our essay competition.

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