
Blog, Poetry, Writers

One More Push: A Poem by Solomon Ekoja

Century after century Year after year Nation to nation And village to village The story’s the same One more push Always makes the difference The corridor of history is laden With multitudes who lost Coz they threw in towels That should have wiped away Tears of travails In seasons of breakthrough Few though In spite of failures Took steps further Until just a push Engrafted their names In the sands of history Imagine roses without thorns And life without troubles It’ll be like an empty sack Expected to stand erect Without grain Life’s beautiful And exudes essence When we overcome challenges Trying times abound Like morning dew On the mountain top That fades away When the sun of faith Rises from the east To cast its illumination Brightly with patience Just as mistake is part of life To ere is human When you fail Don’t remain in despair Dust yourself Get up! And have a retake In the monotony of pain A prize lays ahead Thomas Edison Though a renowned inventor Had several slices From the bread of failure A man with flesh and blood Like you and me Refused to doubt Like the doubting Thomas Nine hundred and ninety nine trials of his Birthed the light bulb That illuminates our world Abraham Lincoln Another worthy model For the present generation Thinking of giving up Kissed defeat severally Like rails On a magnetic track Through persistence One more push Paved his way to the presidency When there was no way Sarah A portrait of perseverance Though stricken in years Got strength to conceive Isaac The son of promise After one little push In the direction of promise Anna The prophetess Though a widow of many years Never stopped interceding With fasting’s and prayers When things looked bleak Until the messiah was born Elizabeth Though barren Gave in one push After Gabriel’s message To birth the forerunner John the Baptist Hellen Keller Though blind and deaf From a tender age Accepted her condition And little by little Became the first deaf-blind person To obtain An arts degree Despite piles of failure Give it a trial Maybe another strategy A little push Harder than the former Maybe another pull Like the force of gravity Maybe just a row Like the nursery rhyme In the right direction That’s all you need To rewrite the pages of failure In the leaves of life Till the boat anchors On the shores of success With a book titled “A man who never gave up” Don’t give up Forget giving up Never ever, give up Quitters never win Winners never quit It’s too late to give up Coz all that will settle it Is just one more push.

Blog, Poetry, Writers

Don’t Give Up: A Poem by Faith Oyadiran

Twirling and swirling the rogue waves gathered Like a funnel, they whirled. into a majestic wind A Typhoon! It rides on vicious waves like a horse. It thunders like the roar of a thousand lions. The seafarers sail as sheep to the slaughter. Trapped between the deep blue sea and a furious, murderous monster Their treasures Flew first and their water flasks flew next. with no remedies for their thirst. Life was hell at its best. The king of waves rides high. His fury touches the sky. His mighty feet, a force to see, march through the sea. The typhoon’s eyes widen. It spots a scrawny ship, beneath the waves so deep. The monster lashed its whip. to thrash the little insolent ship The seamen screamed Their ship’s hull keeled. It’s mast-clipped, and it’s Ballast slipped The ship weighs anchor The typhoon lashed again. Chipping splinters off the keel The keel drank from the sea. Tipping the rudders into a stupor The ship dived. like a rock plunging into an abyss The typhoon suckers up the air. round and round their ship twirled. closer and closer to the eyes of the typhoon, All odds are stacked against hope. They saw their lives winding down the slope. A mariner slowly sings Rod Stewart’s “Sailing Song” We are sailing. We are sailing. Home again, ‘cross the sea We are sailing on stormy waters. To be near you is to be free. Courage kissed the captain. He remembers a captain’s honour Save your ship at all costs. Or take a bow, hands in hand. into depths unknown He picks up a little bowl. To scoop out a little water He began plugging little leaks. with broken little splinters. He scooped out more water. and he threw out more craters. The lighter they float, The lighter their trouble Only one thing matters. Survival. He climbed down the keel. He fixed the rudders And raised the mast The Mariner’s song faded. The captain’s anthem rose: We will save the boat. And sail home.

Essays, Writers

Don’t Give Up by Humble Ogbonna.

  His wife had just put to birth, he could not hide the anxiety on his face when the doctor called him to the office to tell him that she was delivered of beautiful triplets. He could only manage to smile because several thoughts were going through his head; he has been jobless for three months now, his house rent expired six months ago, he doesn’t know where to get money for the hospital bills and how would he cope with three extra innocent mouths to feed? ‘Do not forget to quickly pay up the hospital bill’, the doctor reminded him. He left the doctor’s office in hopelessness. The next day he hanged himself. She was the only child in the family, and her goal was to be an artist who paints real-life stories but her mom wanted her against her wish to be a doctor. After the examination, she failed yet again. She could not bear the shame of facing her parents, telling them she had failed again. The next day she was found dead in her hostel room after drinking pesticide. The examples illustrated above paint vividly the ugly reality that we are facing in recent times – suicide. The increase in suicide cases is so alarming that the World Health Organization once estimated that almost 800,000 die from suicide each year, that is one person every 40 seconds. Today that figure has reached about 1,000,000 deaths annually. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those who have committed suicide. However, why do people choose to end their lives and what solutions might be provided? These are important questions that this article will answer. Why Suicide? Ryunosuke Akutagawa, a popular writer in early 20th century Japan wrote before dying “It is suffering to live, of course, I do not want to die, but…” This statement underscores the fact that no suicide victim really wants to die, however, there are a few reasons why many decide to end their lives. Bullying especially among youths in schools and colleges has led to increased suicide rates. These include cyberbullying, physical bullying, and verbal bullying. Many young ones are bullied because of their physical appearance, race, skin colour and even the financial strength of their parents. Sometimes, the bullied victims try so hard to ‘fit in’ with the rest of the kids, but when this doesn’t happen, they retrace to solitude and finally end their lives. Cyberbullying which has become popular due to the ever increasing rate at which young ones use social media has led to some suicides. To some kids, social media is their whole world, this is what cyber bullies take advantage of by blackmailing their victims or making slanderous posts and comments about the victim. The innocent victim not being able to bear the enormity of the situation might decide to end it all by taking his life. The end of a romance is another reason why some commit suicide. Not being able to deal with a breakup especially when the person had done nothing wrong in the relationship and had sacrificed a lot for it, only to see everything go down the drain. This, sometimes lead a few to commit suicide. Undergraduates who commit suicide because of educational-related issues do so because of the fear of failure. Some were pressured to study certain courses just to be like their peers or please their parents, others know how difficult it was for their parents to send them to school and so ‘I will never disappoint’ becomes their anthem, but when reality sets in they fail, the shame of facing their loved ones back at home with the news that they failed becomes overwhelming which has led some to end their lives. A girl who was raised in a very religious household might have contemplated suicide when she gets pregnant before marriage. The feeling of disappointment, having failed her parents who had tried to race her up in a godly way from infancy might be hard to bear. It even becomes worse when she decides to carry out an abortion, the feelings of guilt that might plague her for that cruel decision might make her commit suicide. Nothing could be more anxiety-laden than a family head not knowing where the next meal for his family will come from. The inability to provide for the members of one’s own family due to financial problems and unemployment has led some men to take their lives instead of living with the feeling of being an incapable family head. The media no longer places a high value on life with movies depicting gross violence and bloodshed being released every year on our TV screen. Dr. Seiden of the University of California noted that ‘by the time a child is 15, he or she has witnessed 14,000 murders or violence on TV.’ The devaluation of life depicted in such movies is also another cause of suicide since so many movies have been watched showing life being ended without regard. Other factors responsible for suicide include loneliness, chronic or painful illness, death of a loved one and perfectionists who suffer setbacks. The greatest cause of suicide, however, is depression. Awake! The magazine reports Prof. Jamison who once attempted suicide herself as saying ‘People seem to be able to bear or tolerate depression as long as there is a belief that things will improve.’ But when things do not get better, the feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and haplessness set in which then lead to such ones ending their lives. Having discussed the common causes of suicide today, what then is the way forward?  Should Suicide Be An Option? Life is a gift. The joy we feel when a baby is born, the pleasant sound of music or of birds singing that falls on our ears, the satisfying fragrance of flowers our nose smell, the beautiful evening sunset that befall our eyes and the tasty meals that our palate savours all give evidence

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