
Creative Essays, Writers

My Life In A Nutshell by Chisom Arueze.

  When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot on it and hang on– Thomas Jefferson. Few minutes after my birth, right before I could get used to the warmth in her embrace, right before I could see the love in her eyes, death played a fast one on me. Luckily  for me, I still had someone who loved me just like her. My father was the best mother I ever had. Ten years later, he hadn’t moved on but when he did, I gave him all the support a ten- year could give. My father met Cynthia at a restaurant. She was a beautiful woman and my father really loved her. Little did he know that, she would be the death of him. A year into their marriage, Aunty Cynthia got pregnant and became insecure. She snapped at everything and misread many situations. As she ran her mouth like a typewriter that Sunday afternoon, while making lunch, I became wary of the poor food having to digest all the saliva . As we ate lunch, we didn’t know Aunty Cynthia would take the word ‘pepper dem’ to heart. Then my father started to cough.  I gave him some water, then he stopped. Suddenly he started again, this time he didn’t stop. He coughed his way to the hospital, and the next time I saw him was in a box. Now I  was an orphan, at the mercy of relatives.  I was all alone in this cruel world. After my father’s death,  I began to get tossed around like a ragdoll. I could eat breakfast at uncle Jacob’s house and ate dinner at Aunt Gertrude’s.  Finally Aunty Goodness took me in. In Igbo language there was a proverb that says “Nwa nwanne gi bu nwa gi” which means the child of your sibling is also you child. But with the way Aunty Goodness treated me, I doubted if she was related to my mother at all. Now I think of it, I feel like my grandparents gave her the name ‘Goodness’ because they knew how wicked she could be ,they decided to warn people of her but in an ironic way. You know the drill for the child who is the help; torn uniforms, goes to school late, sleeps late, eats the left over and the list is endless. All these and more happened to me . I knew I had to leave when I turned 17. So one night after her incessant condescending words of how I would have been on the streets if not for her, I knew it was time to hit the road. The next day by 4am, I packed the little decent belongings I owned and left the house in the guise of doing one or two chores. For the first month I slept at bus stations and did odd jobs. I was able to save some money and registered to a government school to finish up my secondary school education. Student by morning, bus conductor by afternoon. It was everything but nice and easy. My classmates taunted me for that but my heart was now a rock. I knew what I wanted in life, my aunt Indirectly made me grow a tough skin. I wasn’t the brightest person in class but I was happy because, I kept making an effort to be better than I was yesterday. After all the hard work, it finally paid off. I got my waec and I passed but not in flying colors but enough colors to help me move to the next stage. I knew that if I was going to go a university, I had to up my game in making money. So I became a marketer for a multinational health company. The money trickled in, sometimes it took weeks, but as Mary Anne Radmacher would say “ Courage does not always roar, sometimes it’s that quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow’”. So I kept pushing. Finally I saved up enough and got into school to study computer science. I loved computers.  We all know , Tertiary institution is a vampire for money. No money is never enough, but I wasn’t deterred . I struggled and got to year 3. I woke up one morning to hear that my course was not accredited, so we had to start afresh. As I stood in the midst of my course mates, I couldn’t utter a word . I became numb and dumb. Long story short, I had to drop out of school. I decided that a certificate will not determine my future. With the help of a Friend I got in contact with an army man who sold his car to me  on hire purchase. I was to pay 800,000 naira. Every week I had to remit a certain amount to pay for the car. So I started afresh. Five months in, as I rode on it, getting passengers…I felt like my life was starting to go in the right direction. I moved to a better house; a one room apartment. A month later, I  got robbed at my house and my car was towed. When I got it back, it had developed issues. That alone weighed me down. I was running short on money. I had dipped my hands into my little savings. I couldn’t pay my house rent, my landlord wasn’t the most empathetic person on Earth. A week later I came home at night to find my belongings outside. Some of neighbors offered to help keep my  belongings at their balcony.  My car became my new home. By that time I was already running late to pay the army man. The next day I went to him and paid with my remaining savings remaining 5000 naira. In hope  to pay up soon and take full ownership of the car.  As I went about my taxi business,  It felt like the universe was against me.

Essays, Writers

You Might As Well Live by Oluremi Daniel.

A certain video was posted sometime ago of a young man’s death. He had climbed up a tall building and was going to jump down from it. This scenario attracted many people who, unfortunately, could not do more about it than to pull out their mobile phones and make a video. As the man moved close to the edge, ready to take the leap, someone ran up the building to save him. It was all to no avail however, as the man jumped immediately. The action was met with screams of fear and hurt by the bystanders who watched him twist and turn mid-air for few seconds before he met his inevitable demise. On landing, it was obvious that his bones were broken. His body took a disturbing position and blood started pouring out of him. This feels very heartbreaking, but that is not the least of it. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 people commit suicide every year. In short, someone is jumping down, swallow poisoning or hanging him or herself (to name a few ways) every 40 seconds! This qualifies suicide as an important subject of discuss; one that should never be overlooked. The word “suicide” is as plain as it sounds. It is derived from the Latin word “suicidium” which means “the act of taking one’s life deliberately”. The issue with taking one’s life is that it has no cure! There are a vast number of possible ways to commit suicide, most of which are extremely painful. The most common methods of suicide globally are ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms[i]. Even though suicide takes different forms and is for different reasons, the common end result of a successful attempt is death. Unsuccessful attempts can leave the individual physically damaged, sometimes beyond repair. Also, those who have previously attempted suicide are at a higher risk for future attempts[xii]. This therefore cancels out the effectiveness of arresting perpetrators. It seems so unbelievable and impossible to commit suicide, but most human beings experience troubles that can stir up suicidal thoughts. The causes of suicide are on a spectrum of their own. Even though suicide is associated with mental disorders like depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and alcohol use disorders, many suicides happen impulsively in moments of crisis when there is inability to deal with life stresses. Such stressors include financial problems, relationship break-up or chronic pain and illness[ii]. Suicide tendencies and attempts vary at various ages and economic conditions in different places. Statistics show that 79% of global suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries and that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in youngsters in the 15-19 age bracket[iii]. The brain offers some clues about this impulsive prevalence in teenagers. Studies show that the part of the brain associated with emotional sensitivity, the limbic system, becomes fully developed at adolescence. However, the prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotions and decision-making only fully develops in the early- to middle-20s[iv]. This means that emotional instability, even to the point of suicide, is very likely during teenage years. It seems fairly reasonable that every action, especially when it comes to a matter of life and death, needs a motive. The general reason for suicide is to escape a situation or set of problems that are presently affecting the person, to outrightly avoid future consequences of certain actions or to ultimately relieve having to make certain decisions. Hence, it is seen as an option when there isn’t any other option. Some lose hope of a better life and some believe they have nothing to live for. There have even been cases of people who committed suicide and made livestreams of the act on social media as a form of protest against the government or against policies, poverty or corruption. In fact, during the Samurai era in Japan, a form of suicide known as “seppuku” was respected as a means of making up for failure or as a form of protest[v]. Similarly, Sati a former Indian practice, involved an Indian widow killing herself on her husband’s funeral fire[vi]! Even though these practices are no longer used, it gives a perspective of the mindset of people when it comes to suicide. The effects of suicide can be very subtle, but they are serious! In fact, for every suicide there are many more people who attempt suicide every year[vii]. This simply means, the more people commit suicide, the more people feel like they should also try it. Also, every suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities and entire countries[viii]. It has long lasting effects on the people that are left behind. Imagine a man killing himself and leaving his wife and children! That alone is traumatic for everyone involved. Think about the guy who tried to save the man who committed suicide in the video I watched! It may also affects places that were locations of suicide, rendering such places “cursed” and “scarred” for life. The families of people who have killed themselves also face stigma, disdain and side-talks from inconsiderate people around them. The good news is that suicide is very preventable! Moreover, the preventions are actually very simple. The issue is that fear prevents the victim of such thoughts from seeking help. Experts say that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is simply to talk about it! However, talking about suicide remains stigmatized in the society as large[ix]. As Dr Marshall Korenblum of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto explained, “People still think that talking about suicide is a bad idea because somehow it will put suicide into their heads. That’s just not true. If you don’t talk about it, then the person involved is probably going to feel ashamed and trapped.” Equally important is the need for a support system that allows open conversations. The system can be friends, a church group, sports team or an online community[x]. What can we do as friends, family or concerned people in the society? The

Essays, Writers

Tough Things Don’t Last, Tough People Do by Esther Ojetunde.

According to WHO, an average of 800,000 people die every year due to suicide making it approximately 2,192 people that die every day. 38 countries report having a national strategy for suicide prevention. 80 countries have good quality vital registration data on suicide. Suicide is the act of intentionally taking one’s life as a result of mental disorders due to so many underlying factors. In 2019, we were all aware of the rate at which people took their own lives.Life has it’s ups and downs we should not be decieved into thinking people we see now doing wonderful things, inventions did not pass through tough times. People killed themselves that year due to boyfriend issue,some because of their results and so many other things.They all wanted to take a quick route out of the situation. And they laid their lives down for sniper, an insecticide. A brief research into this insecticide showed that it’s active ingredient is 2,3-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP). This DDVP is classified by WHO as a class IB meaning,it is a “highly hazardous” chemical (WHO 1992).The snipper contains 100gL of this DDVP. The snipper has been confirmed to kill insects on contact or through vapour action. A person who is attempting to commit suicide,gives these six basic signs, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness Social withdrawal from friends, family and community. 2.Impulsive or reckless behavior. Increased alchol and drug use. Dramatic mood swings. Threats or comments about killing themselves. Talking, writing or thinking about death. SOCIAL WITHDRAWAL FROM FRIENDS, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY It is not a bag thing to be alone or want to be alone. In fact,great things and inventions we’re things that were borne in the secret.An ovary of a female that produces a whole child is fertilised in the secret. It is good to be alone but that does not mean you should do that for a long time. A once jovial person starts to withdraw himself or herself from people and starts to walk alone. This means this person has to be checked. IMPULSIVE OR RECKLESS BEHAVIOR A person behavior tells so much about who a person is. Once a person starts having suicidal thoughts it is like an HIV virus. The HIV virus breaks down the security of the immune system. The immune system is then not able to fight diseases and then the infected person starts to battle opportunistic infections like headache,cough and so on. This person has been weakened so cannot fight back. The person therefore cannot put his or her emotions in check. So the person starts to act impulsive to any slightest provocation. INCREASED ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE. Some people believe that when they get “high”, they forget their problems. They then submerge themselves into high alchol intake. They also take drugs, cocaine, cannabis and so on. DRAMATIC MOOD SWINGS One of the opportunistic infections, that use the ladder of suicidal thoughts to climb into a person’s life is erratic mood swings. Like a pregnant woman, the person is happy this minute,next minute he is crying at the other he is angry. When we see people with this trait around us we should not take it with levity, we should try to get help for the person. THREATS OR COMMENTS ABOUT KILLING THEMSELVES This is more common now in the social media age. This is when people just sit down in their house with their mobile devices body shaming people and bringing them down. A slender person they say you are too thin, a plus-sized person they say you are too fat, a tall person they say something else and the list goes on. People that are victims of these already know that is who they are,things they can’t change about themselves. They then take to their social media pages to post threats of killing themselves. People should please stop body shaming, that is who they are,they can’t change it.They are unique that way. TALKING OR THINKING ABOUT DEATH The moment you sit with someone and all they talk about is death and wonderful it is for a person to die and be free from the world troubles, you are looking at the next suicide case. A man thinks and talks about what is of value to them. Where your treasure is that is where your mind will be also. When a person thinks and talks about death,his treasure is in the grave yard. Suicide is not just something you should do, whatever that happens in this life does not worth your life. You are special, unique created to fulfill something wonderful on Earth. Those great people we see today we’re not people that did not have challenges. They were people that decided to make the best from those bad situations. Please, do not allow your mind play mind games at you that you are the only one passing through tough times. No! Tough times do not last but tough people do. Do not sacrifice your life on the altar of suicide! It does not worth it!   Ojetunde Esther, a first-year student of Pharmacy in the University of Lagos wrote in via


Nigerian lesbian attempted suicide on learning she will be deported from the UK.

  A Nigerian lesbian asylum seeker attempted to commit suicide in order to stop her deportation from the UK. According to the  Nneka Obazee, 34-year-old asylum seeker attempted to kill herself with an overdose of pain medication after she learnt she will be deported via a chartered flight back to Nigeria. “When Nneka was made aware that she would be returned to Nigeria she was so frightened that she attempted suicide and took an overdose which demonstrates how dire the situation would be for her if she was returned to Nigeria,”  said a spokesperson for  Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSM). She is now hospitalised while her 19-year-old stepson has been deported on Wednesday without his mother or a support network. Nneka Obazee reportedly came to the UK in March 2013 on a visit with her abusive husband and stepson but ran away for him while in the UK. She claims that it was while in the UK that she felt free enough to express her sexuality.   Leila Zadeh, director of UKLGIG, raised the organisation’s concern regarding Ms Obazee’s case saying: “We are concerned that too often people’s sexuality is disbelieved and asylum claims incorrectly refused. It’s also concerning that somebody can be removed from the country when there is a judicial review outstanding.” A spokesperson for Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants said: “Only two months ago we joyfully celebrated with our friend Nneka at London LGBT+ Pride and now all we can do is watch powerlessly as she is railroaded through an unjust and inhumane immigration system to face certain danger in Nigeria.” Nigeria outlawed same-sex marriage in 2013 and made it punishable by 14yrs imprisonment.

Blog, Essays

No Suicide Note For Depression.

Even though our daily hustle rarely allows us to check up on our loved ones to find out how they are doing, it is a collective duty to look out for each other, so please make it a point of duty to reach out to people that matter to you regularly.

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