
Blog, Opinion Articles

Why Embarrass Chimamanda?

  I saved this photo of Chief Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie since the day she was confered with the chieftaincy title, Odeluwa Abba. I had since wanted to add my voice to the eulogies but merely writing “Congratulations Ichie Odeluwa nke mbu n’ Abba” would have been lame and as you know, “I don’t do regular”. Infact, aunty Chi wouldn’t forgive me if I only wrote that. I know! So this morning, an article I shared on Facebook exactly two years ago popped up on my timeline and as I read through, my creative juice started popping sweetly. I wrote the article in question shortly after Chimamanda revealed why she stopped attending the Catholic Church in Nigeria. She cited too much fundraising and money talk as her reason. And truly, not a few of us are on that very table. But na suffering and smiling tins. For speaking up for us though, the parish priest at her village church did the unthinkable. On the solemn occasion of her late mother’s outing service, the priest stood on the altar and thoroughly embarrassed the globally acclaimed author before the entire congregation for daring to speak her truth. “O gwakasili ya aru, eziokwu”. But, WHY EMBARRASS CHIMAMANDA when all she did was be the voice of average people who sometimes go hungry because they emptied their pockets in church? For real life reference, my neighbor in church once cried out over frequent calls for offering in a hilarious yet thought provoking manner. He said, “ndi uka sef, unu ga eji uzo di iche iche kapucha mmadu ego niile di ya n’akpa”. Smiling, he displayed the remaining two N500 notes left with him as the church warden approached to collect money. “I think it’s better not to come to church with cash anymore,” the man told the church warden. “We also have POS”, the church warden responded smiling. Both men laughed it off. Sadly, it’s the same pattern in most churches. Personally, I came to a point where I am never under compulsion to give neither do I give grudgingly just to save face. Which face am I saving? The person who’s unashamedly forcing another to give should take the shame, not me for Pete’s sake. Ah ah! The last time a lady tried it with me, I made sure that she will never try it again. Must I buy harvest magazine just because they gave you a target? No, it’s your problem and not mine. What really irked me was the way she made it seem like her right saying, “but it’s just N500”. “Aunty, you are a banker na. Pay for it and distribute to us free of charge then.” Well, the church reserves the right to announce needs and sell stuff but compelling people to comply is unholy. The force element must not be inferred or expressed. For all that she went through just to speak up for us on this matter, Chimamanda deserves the additional title of ‘Okwuluwa’. Shine on, nnukwu Ada Anambra. Congratulations Ichie Odeluwa nke mbu n’ Abba. ~Ify Aronu-Okafor

Blog, Reverie

The murder of priests should not be politicised.

  A few days ago I had asked why the protesting Reverend Fathers in Enugu failed to do the same when some Catholic faithfuls were massacred in Ozubulu. The post expectedly drew the ire of many hypocrites including some cowards who hitherto dare not address me directly. But of course, we all know I don’t suffer fools gladly neither do I take prisoners. So I told them to shove their silly opinions up where there is no sunshine. Last week Reverend Fr. Offu was murdered in Awgu. The outrage was hysterical given that just 5 months ago another Catholic priest was brutally murdered in the same Enugu state. Our Reverend fathers have had enough and quite rightly mounted a public protest calling on the authorities to protect them. No sensible person will query the propriety of that protest. However, they made a mistake or should I say a deliberate mistake in blaming the ‘murderous Fulani herdsmen’ for a crime still under investigation. The Communications Director Catholic Diocese of Enugu Rev Fr. Achi told reporters that Fr. Offu was stopped by the murderous herdsmen while returning to his parish after visiting another priest. He specifically said: “They dragged him to the bush but one of the assailants said kill him that the church would not do anything if they kidnapped him” Don’t ask me if he was there. These are men of God blessed with extraordinary abilities. Now let me rejig your memory. Last March when Fr. Ugwu was abducted and his decomposing body later found in a bush. There was also this type of outrage and the heinous act blamed on ‘Fulani herdsmen’ even before the police commenced investigations. Who else would kidnap and murder a clergyman in cold blood if not the usual suspects? As it were, the security operatives swung into action and by April the Enugu state police command announced that they had apprehended two leaders of a four-man kidnapping gang. They had used the late priest’s ATM card to make withdrawals from his account. Their names: Sunday Chibuko 32 and Benjamin Osogwu 28. Igbo herdsmen perhaps. Well, the police have once again made some arrests on the latest case and the word out there is that the late Fr. Offu’s account was cleared 25 minutes after his death. Do you see a pattern? A bank insider said that “there was a need for the security operatives to look inward and ascertain who actually made the ATM withdrawals….” There is a pattern here. Have you wondered why it is mostly Catholic priests? Apparently, these are inside jobs to loot the church treasury because unlike their Anglican colleagues Catholic Reverend Fathers are in complete control of the usually healthy parish coffers. Its a piece of cake for dumb criminals. Kill and clean out the account while the people scream help you to distract the police by screaming ‘fulani herdsmen’. You then have adequate time to get far away. The killers of Fr. Ugwu nabbed in April were arrested in Abuja where they had relocated with their families. You see when we say things as they are we are labelled all sorts by people too cowardly to speak their minds. The person who ‘nicodemusly’ sent me this news is a chronic ‘Islamisation propagandist’ who knows the truth but will rather dance to the gallery of ‘Fulanisation’ on social media for fear of being labelled anti-Igbo or an efulefu. Nobody is defending the govt’s struggle with the rising insecurity neither am I saying there are no criminal herdsmen. However as an Igbo man conscious of the evil Igbo domination propaganda that ultimately ended in a bloody civil war I ALWAYS feel obliged to speak on the dangers of the current ‘Fulanisation’ fallacy and hate-mongering. I have always wondered the usefulness of such silly talk. How will it dethrone Buhari or curb the rising insecurity? We need to be careful with the sentiments we propagate. Let us join hands in holding the government accountable while insisting on improved security. And the least we can do in this regard is to put the correct facts out there because not only do the unverified stories pit Nigerians against each other they also make solving the crime more difficult for our security agencies. All lives matter and the killing of priests should not be relegated to infantile political propaganda.

Blog, Reverie

Salvation is that simple.

Love your neighbour as yourself, there is no commandment greater than these.~ Mark 12:31 Simple and straightforward, many agree that the above commandment is the greatest as rightly stated by Christ himself. In the preceding verse, he had instructed us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”  As we grow older, there is an ever-increasing tendency to question our faith and belief, the persistent worry about how life will end and what portends thereafter is never too far from the mind. Even the extremist atheists cannot deny that they sometimes marvel at our universe and wonder how it all came to be despite various theories of evolution. Tell me you don’t believe in God or gods I can agree but you will never convince anyone that you have no inner voice, that second voice deep inside that queries your action and decision is not just your conscience but it represents a power beyond the physical. It is a greater YOU that connects with a superior being richer in wisdom and knowledge. Some time ago, I came across a CNN news story on how the Pope told the Catholic flock that it is better to be an atheist than a fake Christian. He said:  “So many Christians are like this (hypocrites), and these people scandalise others. How many times have we heard — all of us, around the neighbourhood and elsewhere — ‘But to be a Catholic like that, it’s better to be an atheist.’ It is that: scandal. But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another No other Pope in recent times has questioned the practice of the Christian doctrine viz-a-viz the simple instructions of Christ-like the current Pontiff. This has endeared him to many, believers and non-believers alike including my humble self.  The point made by the Pope somewhat reechoes Christ’s greatest commandment in the book of Mark. One cannot rightly claim to be a Christian by mere word of mouth, it is pure hypocrisy. The instructions of the one we claim to follow were equally lived out by him. I, therefore cannot deceive myself that by going to church and giving huge tithes every Sunday salvation is assured. I am an Anglican but I schooled in College of the Immaculate Conception (CIC), a Catholic school in Enugu the Eastern part of Nigeria. That period of my life helped in shaping my non-denominational attitude toward Christianity. I attend the nearest church unless I have reasons to go to a farther one and more often than not item 7 is involved, else I just go and worship in any nearby church. One decision I still regret was not allowing my daughter to partake in the first communion with her classmates in her 2nd class. That decision was not necessarily because I am an Anglican or that I dislike Catholics, far from it, I just didn’t want to spend so much money hosting a grand occasion as is traditional is Ireland on the first communion. Moreover, I wouldn’t have been around as I was still stuck in Nigeria in pursuit of greenbacks. Silly and selfish as hosting a large reception isn’t mandatory neither was my presence. Now I am more than glad later on this year she will be attending the same Catholic secondary school with her classmates. During the tour of the school and introductory session I attended last month, the principal told us that theirs is a school run on strict adherence to Catholic doctrines, she however also stated that they welcome pupils of all faiths. She went on to say that they teach core values centred around love, respect and caring for each other.  Seated a few yards away from us were a Muslim couple, the woman wore a hijab and her husband I assumed looked relaxed among many Christian parents. The kind of atmosphere I love to savour and I hope to bring up my kids to cherish same too. The guiding principle should always be love, not just in words but in actions, by caring for those around you especially the less privileged. This is what humanity is all about and I honestly believe that salvation cannot be attained without it. It is for this reason that I get irritated at self-pontificating pastors who mount the pulpit daily to recite the scriptures, yet cannot practice what they preach. After all, John queried how one could possibly claim to love God whom we cannot see when you do not love your neighbour who is right here with you. The Pope has seen that some atheists are doing good daily, loving and caring more than Christians, yet somehow these are supposed to be people who do not believe in the divinity of any being. The ones daily being condemned to damnation by our so-called men of God. Yet some of them emulate Christ better than the Bible-wielding preachers.   I sure feel the holy father’s message and I’m sure it resonates with many of us. Life’s journey can be hectic but there will always be periods of quiet and calm when you meditate just by yourself. We should endeavour to use those periods to think about doing good and questioning whether our actions deserve earthly applause let alone a heavenly one.  Altogether there seems to be a consensus that the heavenly race or transition to the afterlife is a solo journey. I sum up mine with simple logic: It is better to believe while here on earth and get there to find out it was make-believe than to disbelieve and get there to find out it is real. In the latter case, however, if you did good while here on earth our heavenly father is kind enough to forgive your disbelief even on that judgment day. That is my extrapolation of the Pope’s message.      

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