
Blog, Monishots

How To Trounce Tribalism.

Equality is not the empirical claim that all groups of humans are interchangeable; it is the moral principle that individuals should not be judged or constrained by the average properties of their group. ~ Steven Pinker I’ve been conditioning my mind and body for the upcoming 21-day challenge. When I wake up, I just pick up my phone to read ODB and then leave it in the room while I work away in my attic. So I didn’t plan to write this piece. Actually, I didn’t intend to write at all this morning. My writing aim for the day was to do a paragraph or two during my break later in the afternoon. Nor did I plan to be distracted by Twitter this morning. But here we are, so let’s start with the tweets below. I could have simply labelled the first two authors but on second thought, I decided to put pen to paper and make some sense with my experience. When I moved to Lagos in 2006, I settled for Northern Foreshore, a newly built estate in the Chevron area of Lekki. My agent Charles eventually got a nice bungalow for me to view. I loved the place. It was built to standard with quality ceramics and durable fittings Charles scheduled a meeting with the landlord for some sort of formal introduction. When we got there, he rang the man to confirm he was coming. But something strange happened. His countenance changed after the call. I noticed this and asked if everything was okay. Charles being a jolly good and progressive fella replied that all was well but the man would be delayed. He suggested that we should drive to the waterfront so I could better appreciate the beauty of the estate. We did and when I asked him to call the landlord again he had no choice but to confess that the man wouldn’t be joining us. I was curious to know why. He told me the man was already on his way when he overheard me speaking in Igbo. He immediately told Charles that he would not rent his property to me. I was stunned! Of course, I’ve heard similar tales countless times but never imagined it could happen to me. My perplexity trumped my anger really because Yorubas are arguably the most liberal people I know. Some of the best professionals I’ve dealt with in the petroleum industry were Yorubas. Before that incident, I’ve only had what I’ll call minor, even negligible experiences with tribalism. As Uniport jambites, my friend and I had an altercation with the chief security officer which resulted in our detention for hours. The man’s reference to our tribe hardened my resolve to make him eat his words. When my dad got the report he called my aunt who was the deputy registrar and she immediately sent her secretary to get us released. As we left the security post I mockingly told the man that after all the gragra he took orders from an Igbo woman..with emphasis on woman. It stung and I loved it. In another incident, while driving down to the east from Lagos, a police officer accosted me at Sagamu. During a heated exchange, he retorted “who be Igbo man for this country?” Well, I had to show him. I rang my uncle who was an assistant commissioner of police and in an hour he sent his men to bundle them down his station while I continued my journey. Overseas I witnessed what may pass as racism in Kassel, Germany while I was on my honeymoon. An elderly cashier with a contemptuous countenance repeatedly slid the note I gave her through a counterfeit detector, pinched it, scratched it and almost x-rayed it before finally deciding it was fake. My protest that the note was from the same bundle I had been shopping with right from Frankfurt airport was to no avail as she insisted on calling the cops. The cops came and after what seemed like an eternity of screening, my note was certified as authentic while the counterfeit detector was deemed faulty. Furious and implacable, I dumped the clothes including a fine bargain Hilfiger denim shirt on her counter and demanded a refund. Not even an apology extracted by the cops could change my mind. She said it in German by the way so how was I to know if she didn’t rattle on? I still ask forgiveness for the invectives I rained on that poor old lady. Back to my Lagos story. The action of that ethnically challenged landlord amplified my determination to live in that estate. And I made sure I communicated that resolve to the man with a stinker. A few weeks later, I secured a better house for a cheaper rent. The crib was even closer to the waterfront and my landlady had planted a garden so exquisite that she could pass for a florist. She tastefully fitted the house too. And guess what? She was a Yoruba woman! My point is that discrimination will always happen so long as nomenclature is part of human nature. As Paulo Coelho said, the world is full of idiots distributed strategically so you can meet at least one per day. So it is how you deal with the situation that matters more. Some may not have the ability to punish such idiots, but I would say do what you can to shame them for your own good and the larger society. Or at least ensure that you are not deterred from achieving your objective. Yet, being widely travelled and having lived among different Nigerian tribes I know discrimination isn’t peculiar to a particular people. The idiots are also strategically distributed among different tribes, races and groups. But you can choose to focus on the positives because there are definitely more good people out there. The best boss I had in the petroleum industry was a Yoruba man. During one of the usual fuel crises in Nigeria, I was almost bankrupt when I

Blog, Essays, Monishots

Trump’s Neo-American fascism is close to the tipping point.

As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash. ~ Harper Lee  Donald Trump’s style and leadership will remain a thesis objective for scholars long after he has left the stage. A few months before he shocked the world with a victory over Hilary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States, I had read a report of Trump’s response to the tragic massacre in Orlando by Omar Mateen, the radical son of a Muslim refugee. Candidate Trump in his usual manner had condemned the political left while standing in solidarity with the LGBT community. He warned about the dire threat of radical Islam, and further reiterated his initial call for a blanket ban of Muslim immigrants. He said, “When I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there’s a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats. After a full, long overdue security assessment we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of America.” After two and a half years in the saddle, Trump has shown no intention of throttling down. Rather he has continued to ramp up the ante with a barrage of unhinged typo infested twitter rants and gusty excoriation of enemies and even allies. Hardly will a day pass by without an offensive statement coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. His recent attack on four congresswomen of colour has been widely condemned and quite rightly so. But like I keep saying, POTUS 45 is a lot smarter than many people think. This new manoeuvre appears to be a well thought out campaign strategy to put the democrats in a spot because his words cannot legally be labelled racist. This perhaps explains why the impeachment motion by Rep. Al Green was roundly defeated by a 332–95 vote. Whatsmore if some equally offensive utterances attributed to those four have been applauded by the same section of the media why would they now be irked? Some would argue that whatever xenophobic statements credited to the ‘squad’ — as they are now known —  cannot possibly have the same impact since they are not in the white house but together these four congresswomen command an increasing number of followers that could significantly affect the outcome of the 2020 race. And Donald Trump knows this. However, the truth is that his latest pastime, though a political scheme is not a new phenomenon. It brings with it a nauseous reminiscence of a past when America built different types of walls in a bid to preserve the warped hallucination of white supremacy as I will illustrate presently. Besides the fact that the initial US Congress started work in 1790 by restricting eligibility for naturalisation to the freeborn and the white, immigrants were still pouring into the country for much of the nineteenth century. However, at the peak of the immigration boom in 1921, a certain Calvin Coolidge penned an article which suggested that the teeming number of immigrants was an impediment to national development. Citing elite scientific scholars from the Ivy League, Coolidge who will later become the country’s Vice President argued that “biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not mix or blend” and that “the dead weight of alien accretion stifles national progress”. Together with some leading academics, the new Vice President sought to rationalise ethnically based racism by propagating the theory that certain immigrant races were biologically immune to diseases that would normally harm others. Asians were especially targeted. Italians, Slavics and even Jews were not spared as media editorials and op-eds ran savage pieces disparaging them as “Asiatic hordes and swines living in vast masses of filth that would kill a white man”. It didn’t take long for Congress to acquiesce and subsequently the Johnson-Reed Act which is perhaps the harshest immigration law in US history was passed. And just like Trump’s recent Muslim ban, immigrants were shut out of America based on their origin. Ever since then racist scholars have deployed dubious anthropology and questionable theories to propound the genetic superiority of the so-called ‘Great Race’. So you see, for the uninitiated, Trump’s political foray into neo American fascism may be as offensive as his wall and immigration policies are unpleasant but they are not dystopian actions that Americans and indeed the world are witnessing for the first time from Washington DC. For all its glittering immigration record, American history is dotted with unsavoury expositions of xenophobic assaults on immigrants, and oftentimes these attacks have been driven by race-based nativism. But then the racists never had a free ride. They have always met a more than capable opposition in the liberals and a robust pushback from Americans both white and coloured. Together these groups struggled and made sacrifices through the civil rights movement that culminated in the passage of several laws in the 1960s. Of particular note is the 1965 Immigration And Nationality Act which abrogated the use of national origin quotas thereby ensuring that the country’s immigration policies made it stronger in diversity as some of the following facts from a recent article in Time Magazine disclose. In the US, 1 in 4 tech companies established from 1995–2005 had an immigrant as either the founder, president, CEO or CTO. Over 70% of the tech workers employed in Silicon Valley are immigrants and over 60% of the 25 biggest US tech companies were founded by immigrants. Apple’s Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian immigrant and Google’s Sergey Brin is a Russian immigrant who first stepped on US soil with his parents at the tender age of six. In 2017, Fortune listed 500 companies, 43% of which

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