
Creative Essays, Essays

An Undiluted Love by Akintomide Victor

  No!!! This can’t be happening. I must be having a dream. Who could have thought that I would get a proposal on Valentine’s day? Not even in my wildest dream could I have thought of this. Not after all that had happened two weeks ago… Chiamaka is a child from a wealthy family and the only daughter of the Umuazi family. She has just been admitted into the prestigious school called Obafemi Awolowo University and is to study in the Department of Geology. While growing up, Chiamaka didn’t have the opportunity to have many male friends around her due to her big size. She was fat and chubby. Upon resumption, Chiamaka packed into her hostel and heard about the orientation program from her roommates; Kemi, Christianah, and Favour. It is a program solely for the fresh students, and it was happening the following day. With no plans for the next day, Chiamaka decided to attend the orientation program with her roommates who had become her friends over the night. By the time the ladies were done dressing the next day for the program, time had flown by. Taking a bike right from the hostel gate, they arrived at the venue for the program about thirty minutes late and rushed into the hall. As they were entering, the sight of a certain handsome guy got fixated on one of the ladies who had rushed in. The girl was dressed in a light blue gown and wore a white headband with a white high heel to complement. At the orientation program for the fresh students, Ademide, Muyiwa, and Bankole, the three hottest guys on campus had decided to grace the program with their presence as volunteers. Ademide is a student of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Muyiwa belongs to the Department of Dentistry while Bankole is a student in the Department of Medical Rehabilitation. After the program commenced, they chose to sit at the back so that they can observe all that is going on within the hall where the program will be held. After waiting for about 30mins, the program eventually started and the three friends were having fun by checking out ladies that were coming into the hall for the program. While this was happening, Bankole noticed that Ademide had gone silent amidst the fun and then looked at him, only to discover that his gaze was fixated somewhere else. He called Muyiwa’s attention to his discovery and they both tried to locate the focus of Ademide’s gaze. It turned out to be a lady! This realization cracked up the two friends who realized that their friend has been caught in the web of one of the fresh students who was wearing a blue gown and a white headband. However, this joy was but for a short while. The girl was too fat. Thinking that their assumption must have been wrong, they decided to ask Ademide about who he was staring at. Then, Ademide confirmed their fears. It was Chiamaka. Although Chiamaka was fat, she was surrounded by many friends, mostly female, being a child from a rich family and a cheerful giver. Several of the friends around her were however there because of the benefit of wealth they were enjoying. Due to her being aware that her friends were only with her because she had money, Chiamaka always kept her guard around her friends concerning what she will say. Chiamaka never would have thought that she has a secret admirer who had liked her since the day of the fresh student’s orientation program and this one-sided crush lasted all through their first year, with Chiamaka being oblivious to this fact. Bankole and Muyiwa were surprised at the choice their friend had made and were confused about what to say. All convincing words and methods that could be used to make a person change their mind have been used for Ademide, but his mind was already made up. It was love at first sight. The session went by so quickly, however, Ademide tried as much as possible to get all the key information he needed about her before the session ran out, and he did this without her knowledge. One fateful evening after classes, Bankole and Muyiwa returned from classes to see their friend in deep thought. Knowing it was obviously about the girl he liked, they decided to give him a little support since all attempts to make him change his mind had proved abortive. Their conversation goes thus: (Ademide is lying down and staring at the ceiling) Muyiwa: Guy, wetin dey do you na? Why you dey do like bolo sef? Ademide: Omoooo… Na this Chiamaka babe matter I dey reason so ooo Muyiwa: But guy, this babe no fine na, and as you dey so, you be hands guy… why you con dey do like person wey never chop belleful. This your matter don dey turn serious palava oo. Na this babe suppose dey rush you sef and you con dey here dey do like fowl. If you sabi say you like the babe true true, standa make we go meet am. Bankole: See ehn, Muyiwa, leave the guy and his palava ooo… Make e dey do like a day-old lamb wey never chop better. The babe matter never do am well for body, na why. Ademide: See ehn, mai guys… make I talk true, I like this babe wella but I no sabi follow girl talk. Na my number one problem be that for this matter. How una wan take help me? (Muyiwa and Bankole then starts to gang-think about what to do) Bankole: Na wetin goh happen be this. This session don end like this, so we go run the package when we resume. When school resume, try find out how her timetable go be like. If you don sabi that one, you go just meet her one day after she don finish class, con do like say you dey meet her

Blog, Essays, Writers

Date Alone

  I should have worn the sun shades today. The blinding colours of the day would surely affect my sight. Everywhere was a touch of red, making me wonder who propounded the theory of showing love by wearing that colour. It was great relief my shift inspector did not suggest we wear a touch of red to show our solidarity to the event of the day. A rose petal or a red scarf would have been the last straw for our master chef. That man never liked to follow rules especially wearing of uniforms. How the manger retained him all these years remains a mystery to both old and new workers. Our chef’s defiance did not deter the manager from ensuring only love-themed music was played at the background, all table covers replaced with those that had love patterns, and the lovers’ meal, chicken and chips, were on the day’s specials. We were not rated one of the best for nothing. At the beginning of my shift for the evening, I watched the inflow of couples, young and old, holding hands and having eyes for only each other at the moment. One would think the cupid arrow was shot into every couple especially the ladies giggling and flipping their hairs back and forth. Behind me, a colleague hoped that there would be at least one proposal for the night. A proposal would not only spice things all up but also add to our profile as a good restaurant for future proposals. We all nodded in support though I knew that Sarah, my co-waitress for the day nodded simply because she didn’t want to feel left out. Ironically, she was yet to see that our manager had good eyes for her while she blushed at the sight of one of our regular clients. Love, they say is a triangle. My first table was an older couple, probably in their 60’s. With a practiced smile, I introduced myself confirming also by pointing at my badge and requesting for their meal orders. They in turn smiled at me while the husband picked his meal list and quickly made his order. Turning to his wife, I knew my memorable day had began. She had a confused look as she glanced through the list, asked questions on every meal and still did not make a specific order. I could see her husband getting impatient. I was too but my smile remained. She went back and forth, settled for rice and chicken, changed it to the lovers’ meal and asked about the constituents of our veggies salad. When I could not stand it anymore, I calmly asked if I should give her time. She was relieved and quickly faced her husband, picking up their discussion from where they stopped and making me wonder if she was even hungry at all. Too bad her husband was, but as love would have it for the day, he joined the discussion as I walked away. I doubted she would have a meal choice when I returned. My next table was a young man probably waiting for his date as he appeared to be alone, constantly checking his watch and the door. I approached with my signature smile, introducing myself and inquiring of his order. He could not order at the moment but requested a drink while he waited for his date. His date must have been delayed too long because his countenance changed gradually. Frustration was around the corner. Without further delay, I got his drink over the counter and delivered it while smiling within. With each table having unique challenges for night, I thought I might as well guess the challenge of the next table. My next table had a young couple, probably unmarried, taking selfies on their phones. They looked good together and as I came near, I quickly guessed what challenge they could face tonight. I was in for my biggest shock. I had guessed the lady would be a picky eater, probably because she was watching her weight. With introductions done, the lady ordered about 3 meals for herself while the gentleman went along with the lovers’ meal. My shock must have registered on my face because she laughed at me, blessed God for her type of body and told me I could leave. I did not understand. I could not wrap around my head how she would be able to gulp down 3 meals at a sitting, but I sent their orders to the kitchen. I remembered my “table of indecision” and visited them. She almost began her trail of questions when her husband interrupted by making his own order. I quickly suggested she had the same, even from the same plate which brightened her countenance. Their obvious love for each other was beautiful to behold. “Home Alone” or rather “Date Alone” had finished his drink and ordered for more. I nodded and turned to go but had a second thought. Turning back to him, I suggested he could go and find out if his date was okay. Her absence had him worried but not worried enough to check on her. He mumbled some words before standing up, pleading with me to reserve his table and dashing out of the restaurant. I guess “relationship coach” should be added to my curriculum vitae. Table 3 had not finished eating especially with the mountain before the lovely lady so I had a little time to rest my feet. The older couple in no time finished their meals and thanked me. While her husband was paying for their meal, she prayed I would have a lovely Valentine’s day like theirs. I laughed knowing I would spend it in the restaurant, waitressing. I turned to discover “Date Alone” had returned more frustrated than before. I walked up to his table thinking of what must have happened. Immediately he saw me, he stood up and loudly asked if I would be his date. As if it were all

Creative Essays, Writers

For The Love Of Family by Chisom Arueze.

So imagine if you had a tap that the water ran slowly and in a tiny line, okay, what if someone or something blocks that tap that ran in slim line. Obviously you know you won’t get water again and even if you waited, it will take ages before you get water. That exactly is how it feels for Bella

Creative Essays, Writers

The Revenge by Victor Oladejo.

Mary walked to the incense stove on the table. She gazed at the branding rod at the center of the glowing charcoal. She smiled. She had rehearsed this moment over and over again. This was the last part of her plan.

Creative Essays, Writers

The Weird Side Of Love by Bismarck Faola.

Mr. Daniel, the groom, was handcuffed and dragged roughly up the aisle out of the cathedral. The congregation were in shock, and confusion was written all over their faces as such had never been heard of before. Indeed new things still happened under the sun. 2 WEEK EARLIER ( Daniel’s sitting room) Daniel was seated in his sitting room watching the television. Alice, his wife-to-be, jumped on his lap and obstructed his view. “Alice,” Daniel said, “I am currently in the middle of a Champions League final, Chelsea versus Manchester City, can we not do this now?” “Do what? You and your dirty mind,” she replied, “am I not better than a game where men run around to get a ball only to kick it away afterwards?” “I am sorry, you are. But this is the finals, it only comes once a year and my club is playing presently.” “Daniel,” she said, staring at him “you’ve started again, I promise you one day, you’ll have to choose between me and football.” Daniel knew that tone, that latent rise in her voice. He knew what was coming next, so he picked up the remote and turned off the television. “Yes, Your Majesty, Queen of Danieldom, what is it?” He asked, his voice reeking of sarcasm. “Baby,” she said, making puppy eyes. “Yes ma,” “You know since our university days you promised you’d give me the best life I could ever wish for, that you’d go to the ends of the Earth for me,” she said. “Am I not doing that already? Do you now want me to walk around the globe for you?” He asked in frustration. “Why are you talking like this?” Alice asked, “ Seems like you don’t want to get back to your match.” “ I do Alice, I really do.” He said, his body tingling “Please be fast, I beg of you.” “Ok,” she said, bringing out her phone, “you giving me the best life includes giving me the best wedding.” “Hmm, here we go again,” Daniel murmured, “ What are we buying this time?” “Look at this necklace baby,” she said, opening a post on her Instagram, “It just arrived at Drake and Co Stores; It’s called “The Queen of the Night”, I’d like to have it baby. Remember during the wedding of Cara and Gladys, their husbands got them the latest pieces of jewellery too. I don’t want mine to be different.” David stared at her face in astonishment. How would he make this young lady understand that he had emptied his bank accounts to plan what could be the most lavish wedding of all time, he had even borrowed money to cater for some of her excesses. She hadn’t always been like this, he wondered where that wonderful damsel he had fallen for in the university was. She was the only woman he had ever loved. “How much is it,” he asked. “The starting price is 1.5 million Naira but it’s negotiable” “1.5 what?” he screamed, “where do you want me to get that amount from? does money grow on trees?” “Baby, my wedding will only be once, I won’t get another,” she said wriggling on his lap. “Please wait, if it’s called the queen of the night why do you want it? Won’t our wedding be during the day?” He asked. “That’s not relevant, young man” she admonished, “please Danny baby, my love, my crown.” “Ok, I will think about it,” he said. “Thank you, darling,” she said planting kisses all over his face “Let me check on the delicious vegetable soup I am preparing for you.” He watched her as she walked back to the kitchen. This was going to big “NO” for him, there was no way he could raise such an amount of money within such a short period. His business would continue to weep for the next few years because of the money that he had taken for the marriage preparation. A WEEK TO THE WEDDING (Mama Nkechi’s Pepper Soup Joint) “Mr. Groom, why are you looking so glum,” Ojo asked, “are you getting cold feet?” “It is Alice o, it ‘s Alice.” Daniel lamented, “That lady wants to wreck me.” “What’s happening?” Ojo guffawed, “Is she’s no more the joy of your life?” “Stop it Ojo,” Ade said, munching a chunk of spicy goat meat “what is it this time?” “Thank you, oh sensible one,” Daniel said, giving Ojo a bad look “ She came to me a week ago, with this latest necklace, Queen of the moon or so. A necklace worth 1.5 million Naira! I haven’t had peace in my house ever since. Where do I want to see such a preposterous amount of money with what the economy is saying presently? Both of you know how much I have spent on this wedding preparation, with generous contributions from the both of you…” “Generous contributions that you will pay us back” Ojo cut in. “Ojo! Why are you so insensitive?” Ade said, raising his voice. “Leave him, it’s his time,” Daniel said quietly, using his spoon to push around the pieces of meat on his plate. “It’s Alice’s fault, she’s that one that wants a costly necklace from Drake’s and Co.” he added. “What did you just say?” Ade asked, his eyeballs widening “ Drake’s and Co?” “Yes, that fancy jewellery store in town.” Ade exchanged looks with Ojo before he spoke. “We’ve been watching that place for a while now,” he said, “come closer, you’ll want to hear this.” Ade whispered into Daniel’s ears for some minutes gesticulating widely, creating images in the air with his fingers. “No, come on guys. You know I stopped that ages ago” Daniel said, shaking his head. “Don’t misunderstand me, I am not judging you guys, but your records are clean, mine isn’t. It would be like walking into a field filled with land mines.” “It’s up to you bro, I am just being a friend.” Ade said,

Creative Essays, Writers

The Mundanity Of Love by Bismarck Faola.

    Shade my nightingale, will you marry… Bang! I flinched as the door closed with a bang. I was in a dim-lit interrogation room. The walls and structures reeked of age and zero maintenance. In front of me stood a one-way glass, I could see my reflection – the doom and gloom in my eyes. I knew there would be people watching me from the other side, I was their specimen and they were here to study me. The sturdy-looking detective holding a pack of files had walked in. He dropped the files in my front, sat down opposite me, and picked up a black cat that had been walking behind him. For close minutes, sat in silence as he stroked the feline that had curled up into a ball in his lap. I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him but he stared continuously into my eyes. There was nothing spectacular about the room, so I had to keep glancing at him. “Do you want anything to drink Miss Shade?”, he finally said breaking the ice. “No, thank you”, I replied absentmindedly. “Ok, if at any time you want anything, please don’t hesitate to ask for it.” ” I am detective Ash, I am here to interrogate you on the untimely demise of Engr. Chuka Ibekwe, popular tycoon and philanthropist. I hear you guys were an item while he was alive, is that true?”, he asked. “Yes, it is true”, I replied reluctantly. ” Ok, I know you’re probably in a world of hurt right now but it’ll be better for both of us if you cooperate and give me all the information I need.” “This …,” he said pointing around, “… not an ideal place for anyone to be for too long, let alone a pretty young doctor like yourself” ” So Miss Shade, I want you to tell me everything you know about Mr. Chuka up to the point of his demise.” I burst into a sobbing fit, he didn’t show any sympathy but kept on petting his now sleeping cat. He waited till I was done and had comported myself, he seemed to be a very patient man. “I… I… will tell you everything but…” I said amidst sobs, “…but I don’t want any cameras or observers.” ” I understand”, he said. He stood and switched off the camera on the wall and it stopped its incessant blinking. Walking back to me, he spoke into the microphone on the table. “Can everyone in the observers stand go get a doughnut or something, the young lady needs some privacy.”   “Ok Miss Shade, let’s hear your tale. I sat back more relaxed now, knowing I had only a pair of eyes watching me. “I met Chuks in…”, I said as I walked swiftly down the aisle of memory.   “I met Chuka, or Chuks as I loved to call him 5 years ago, it hadn’t been love at first sight, for as a freshly inducted doctor, I still had the air of focus and goals embedded into my skin” “He finally cut through my heart of ice and ever since it’s been fun and vibes, not a single day went by that I didn’t thank God for bringing him into my life, we’ve been comfortable ever since, had one or 2 couple rows, but that’s normal, isn’t it? I can’t see anything that’d make him do what he did” I said, tears from my eyes flowing freely. “And all through your years together, you didn’t notice any unusual behaviours?” Detective Ash asked. “No, not one, he didn’t drink, smoke, or possess any nefarious habits, apart from his continuous lavish spending, which he made up for with humanitarian donations. Chuks was also famous for his fevers, though his visits to the hospital got very frequent of late, it’s quite a normal occurrence.” I replied. “So for someone so rich, what would you say went wrong that could have led to suicide?” He asked, “he had the world at his feet.” “Chuks wasn’t always so rich, he was born with a silver spoon but he had to work for his money before the death of his father after which he inherited the multimillionaire company, and about his suicide prompt, he had me, I gave him heaven on Earth” I sobbed, my heart bleeding as I remembered the words of his betrayal – …I can’t have you, I want you to have the best life ever, we can’t continue this relationship I am sorry.” I answered continuously for the next half hour, only getting about 5 minutes break when my sobbing got out of hand. “Get some milk for Blackie and bring in the envelope,” Ash said into the intercom, as he dropped his now awoken cat. “So did anything bizarre happen within the last few days of your relationship before his suicide?” he asked. “Of course the last few days were the best days of our relationship, we’ve gone on many vacations to different locations but the last one which we went for was unique because he showed more care than usual, he let go of work for me,” I answered. “Hmm, tell me about it,” he said. “We had a karaoke night just alone in the best suite facing the waves of the Bar Beach, we sang all night long, he was in high spirits. The next day, we went on a boat cruise. That wouldn’t be the first time but this was different, he turned out the external world, he refused to take the elevator even for once during our stay, he’d give me a piggyback ride up and down the stairs, my laughter always resounded all through the resort during those moments” I said as I felt temporary relief over such beautiful memory. “Wow, so what happened yesterday, the last day?” he inquired. “Yes, yesterday, we had the most elaborate meal ever, only both of us at the dinner table. After which,

Creative Essays, Writers

Bad Love by Juliana Lene.

“First, because I fell in love with you. Second, because your parents were good to me. I recognized them from the pictures in your house. That night, my sister left me for dead after another episode of sexual abuse and beatings.

Essays, Writers

Forbidden Love by Augusta Ndeche.

All your life you had wanted to please your parent, so much so that when you heard them say that a twenty-five years old woman should be in her husband’s house, you made up your mind to get married at that age of twenty-four. At the age of twenty, you started accepting to go on dates with any guy who checked at least seventy percent of the long list of qualities you wanted in a husband. At the age of twenty-three you started getting calls from your mother asking when their in-laws will come to see them. By the time you turned Twenty-five years old, the calls became more frequent. She would call saying that if there were no decent men in Lagos State where you lived, she would find a husband for you in your home town, Nkanu East Enugu State. Few years later, every call, text and chat from your mum ended with a reminder that your time was running out. She kept pressurizing you to look for a man to settle down with, and this got you wondering why your elder brother who was thirty-two years old was left to live his life in peace while you were expected to forfeit your dreams of travelling the world in order to settle down with a man. You began to ignore your mum’s call, more so on your birthdays, for on every other day it was a reminder but your birthday wishes came with a full lecture on why it was important for a woman to marry on time. But on your thirtieth birthday, you kept staring at your phone excitedly waiting for your mum’s call. The phone had barely rung when you picked it up, and upon hearing her voice you bursted out “I am engaged”, whilst staring at the six-carat diamond ring on your finger. You told your mum that Obiorah had proposed yesterday and that you will be visiting with him next week so that they can get to know him. She asked what kind of a man he was, to which you replied “he is kind, handsome, rich, God fearing and he attends Anglican church just like our family.  “Obukwa onye Enugu State?” Is he from Enugu State? she asked, “Yes”, you answered adding that he is even from our local government area, Nkanu East. When the call ended you thought back to all the unsuccessful relationship you had had up till this moment. Emma – Who had left you for a younger woman. Remi – Who your father had rejected because he was Yoruba. James – Who insisted that you must start attending the Catholic church before he will propose. But Obiorah was perfect, he was the type of husband every mother especially yours’ would want for her daughter. You were so excited to formally introduce your now fiancé Obiorah to your family and there were happy to see him, – happy to hear that he owns a successful mining business and assets all over the country. When he was asked to say a short prayer before meal, he ended it saying O God, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom…… they clapped joyfully because to them reciting the Anglican collect for peace meant he was a true Anglican, not like those who changed denominations to suit their needs. The visit was a joyous one up until Obiorah was asked which family he comes from to which he replied “the Okonkwo Family that owns the duplex close to the village stream”. As soon they heard Okonkwo, your mum stood up and left the room sadly whilst your dad stood up and said “Obiorah it is getting late, you should get going”. He left ignoring Obiorah’s hand extended for a handshake. You didn’t understand what was going on, just a minutes ago you were being praised for having an eye for good things but now the countenance was just like it was five Christmas ago when your cousin had fallen from a tree to his death. You cannot marry from Okonkwo’s family, they are Osus (Outcasts), marrying them will make you and all your children Osus (Outcasts). You tried your best to convince your family otherwise, but they were adamant. You stood there in disbelief, you had heard about the Igbo Osu caste system, but you didn’t know that it was still relevant in this modern times. You hadn’t known that Obiorah was an osu (Outcasts) not that it mattered to you, you loved him too much to care. Your parent forbade you from seeing Obiorah again. On the day Obiorah travelled back to Lagos, you didn’t go with him instead you sat on the veranda browsing the internet to learn about the consequences of marrying an osu. Voicing out the words faintly, you read; “Osus are only supposed to marry other osus. Osu as a status is contagious (if one of your parents is osu, then you are osu; if you marry an osu, you can become osu. In some places, if you share food with an osu, you are in danger). People call them living human sacrifices; they are consecrated to a particular deity and to that deity’s shrine. In the old days, this meant that they couldn’t leave the shrine’s vicinity.” The osus are not allowed to dance, drink, hold hands, associate or have relations with Nwadiala (sons of the soil). They are not allowed to break kolanuts at meetings. No Osu can pour libation or pray to gods on behalf of a freeborn at any community gathering. It is believed that such prayers will bring calamity and misfortune. You had done everything with Obiorah – dance, eat, prayed and no calamity has befallen you yet. You tried to explain to your parents that being Christians meant that we are now a new creation and that all those old traditions have passed away, but they would have none

Essays, Writers

The Waiter’s Story by Arueze Chisom.

SMAN!!! Don’t give them Shishi!!. Alright let’s go back to how and where it all started. Hi! My name is Beauty Collins, I wait at tables in one of the not so expensive restaurants around the city and lest I forget I am not beautiful, please don’t tell me beauty is skin deep. You see I didn’t need anyone to tell me that I was jinxed when I stood like a waxed statue staring  fixatedly at my name written in sloppy writing on the rooster. I was to work on Sunday, Valentine’s day. While my colleagues talked with Glee about their Valentine’s day  plans like it  was the next best thing since sliced bread, I whined like a 2 yr old about how my plans were shattered, but then my subconscious stared at me like Patience Ozorkwor in disdain saying Lori iro( based on lies). This was because the last time I was in a relationship was 2 years ago and the last time I thought I was going to be asked out  was when I was asked for a pen at the banking hall. The week had gone all haywire for me. On Monday I redesigned the boss’s shirt or maybe ruined it forever thumbs up to the coffee. Tuesday I served a table the wrong Check. Wednesday I had my period stain by skirt. Thursday I was caught flipping a customer. By Friday I could mentally see God face palming himself for my sake when I was caught dancing during work hours, as my friend Ejiro would say your shame dey shame me. And no I am not a rookie. Am still Wondering why I was let off the hook after all that. Saturday wasn’t getting any better, cause it was the day I found out I was jinxed. So I moved on after gathering some pity from my colleagues because as you know pity likes party. I went home to hit the sack,  not oblivious of the many red gowns the boutique shops seemed to only have now, knowing fully well I had bigger fish to fry the next day. After 15 hours or more I am in the changing room adjusting my skirt  . The restaurant was already buzzing with customers thanks to the Valentine’s day. The speakers Burst with music like a bent up flood, filling my ears. The first customer  I waited on was a couple. As expected our customers were coming in twos. They took a seat at the far end of the restaurant. The lady was a walking Mona Lisa, the total package,  then turning my gaze onto her plus 1, he was bald which made him look more like the yellow emoji on shades . They made their orders. When I delivered their food to them, the lady grabbed her phone and starting clicking away. Turns out they were the typical his view/ her view kinda couple but the moment the guy took off his shades I knew that instant he would either be blurred out or headless in the picture when posted  on social media. My next customers were all females, juveniles actually. They were all dressed in red gowns, which looked obviously new . Though those clothes might have cost them an arm and a leg but they didn’t mind because they didn’t want to be left out. I attended to other customers but quite a few  struck my attention. Like the petite chubby lady and her boyfriend. It was glaring that they were truly in love. They were so engrossed in their conversation I had to call their attention twice before I was acknowledged. They made their order without problems as they were the exemplary cliché’ two hearts that beat as one. I didn’t fail to also notice the older couple who had been grinning at each other for the past 45 minutes. As they conversed the man would stop at intervals to whisper sweet nothings into his wife’s ears, which will get her giggling like a school girl. Deep down I envied what they had because things like this don’t come by easily. One of the last table I waited on cracked me up so much that I almost laughed out loud. The man stumbled into the restaurant with probably his girlfriend because she had no wedding band on. When I got to their table they were both frowning. It looked like the man was threatened and dragged down to the restaurant. When I asked them what they wanted, the man hissed loudly and the lady went ahead to make her order, as she was speaking I could see the man glare at her,only if looks could kill . When it was time for him to order here is our conversation. Me: sir what would you like to order? Him: what is the cheapest food on this menu? He asked me, with a frown present on his face. Me: sir that would be the jollof rice. Him: how much? Me: 5000 a plate Him: eeh!! Me am not buying anything. The lady he came with tried to placate him but he was as stubborn as a mule. Just then  two guys came in, then everyone started  snickering. I wondered what could be the source of their laughter. Just as they turned towards me to get to a chair, I saw it written boldly on their polo.. STINGY MEN ASSOCIATION TASK FORCE,motto: don’t give them shishi!!. I burst out in laughter. As they took a seat,one of them shouted “stingy men association!!!” then there were replies of Don’t give them Shishi and let me see what I can do, but the voice of the obstinate man was the loudest. I ran into the changing room and had a good laugh. At the end of the day as I slung my purse on my shoulder about to head home, I knew that this Valentine’s day will be one out of many I had truly enjoyed.   Arueze Chisom Precious,

Essays, Writers

Love Is Not Real by Opara Udochukwu.

‘Love is not real’. I know you will be pondering over that statement, but on a more serious note, I mean every damn word in that statement. Several times, in big Nollywood movies, there is always this crazy scene that will try to portray love as a very big ordeal. Whenever I see that, I will mutter to myself ‘that is rubbish’. Love is meaningless and does not exist in this generation. “Let’s dance in style Let’s dance for a while Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let’s us die young or let us live forever We don’t have the power but we never say never” Those were the exact lyrics of a very popular song titled ‘Forever Young’ by Jay-Z and Mr Hudson. Am pretty sure that those words by Jay-Z and Mr Hudson were expressing the agony of life. The truth remains that, Man is full of burning expectations. We always hope for the best but on the other hand, we keep our eyes open for the worst to come. Well, this was my case during valentine. Sitting on a small stool, opposite my wardrobe in my small apartment, with my phone on my hands and scrolling along the street of twitter. My heart was heavy and my face said a lot about my present situation. Pain and sadness engulfed me until I stumbled across the picture of this light-skin and pretty young lady. ‘Love’ as people say, comes at first sight and this was apparently my case. At first glance, I fell in love with this lady. ‘I love this lady’ I muttered for the umpteenth time scratching my head. I could feel my heart beat and was so willingly to take actions without given it a thought. The thing about love is, it makes one seem foolish. You know the thing about humans? We are always desperate to satisfy our quest in life. Such desperation is what makes us to go extra mile in achieving things we deem as success. This was just me with this pretty lady, I was so desperate in knowing her. I was so eager to text this lady but it was seeming like, I couldn’t speak again because no single word was trying to come up in my mind. I was speechless like a new born baby. Sitting on the stool, with my left hand on my chin and my phone on my right hand, thinking holistically on what to text this lady. Finally! After several minutes of thinking and sweating on my clothes like someone who is about to be slaughtered, I came up with an idea. It was looking like, I just figured out the solution that even the world smartest man could not. That feeling when you offered a solution that even Albert Einsten couldn’t figure out. That was how I felt, like a genius. Going back to my phone at regular intervals, putting my mobile data on and going straight to the chat, became a routine for me. You could say that I was anxious because indeed, I was. My heart ponded as I await this lady to reply. Days passed into weeks and weeks moving up to months, yet I was still kept in the dark. No reply came forth. I could remember vividly, it was on a Sunday morning when she suddenly replied, because we were just coming home from church and every Sunday in my home meant church. My mother was-and still is-a deeply religious woman. Very christian. Like indigenous people around the world, black Africans adopted the religion of our colonizers. By ‘adopt’ I mean it was forced on us. The white man was quite stern with the native. “You need to pray to Jesus”, Jesus will save you. But the more we went to church and the longer I sat in those pews the more I learned about how Christianity works: if you’re Native American and you pray to the wolves, you’re a savage. If you’re African and you pray to your ancestors, you’re primitive. But when white people pray to a guy who turns water into wine, well, that’s just common sense, but that’s beside the point. Seeing the notification of her text on my phone, my heart began to beat faster than normal. Filled with suspense, so I didn’t even give it a second on opening the text. Wow! She responded warmly. Staring at the text, series of questions began to creep into my mind. Does it mean she has feelings for me too? Or, Does it mean she wants to befriend me? No one could help me answer those questions. Deep down in me, I really loved this lady and really wanted her to reciprocate that same love for me. I gave the whole incidence a second thought and decided to text her again. This time, it was so different, she replied within the snapped of my finger. In that manner, that was how we began to communicate. You know the thing with communication? It creates a forum for relationship to start. Well, that was how our relationship began. ‘Relationship’ as some people will rather say, grows like a cancer while some other people will say, grows like a fibroid. You know how fibroid grows? A fibroid can grow as little as the size of mustered seed to as big as a watermelon and this is how relationship grows. As time progressed, so did the relationship begin to grow and blossom. You wouldn’t say that the relationship was totally an online relationship because we do meet physically on several occasions and sometimes, we do go out for outings. Just like couples in Nollywood movies will always do. I could recall every single incidence that took place in our first outing, because that was the very first time in my life, I went for an outing with a girl, so I

Essays, Writers

When Love Finds A Lift by Saberedowo Oluwafisayo.

Dear diary, I was manning my position, as usual, this morning when a man dressed in a white T-shirt tucked into red trousers walked in at 8:42 am. He would be the first customer for the day at Bessa’s kitchen. He looked a little bit apprehensive as he took undecisive steps towards one of the table sets by the door. He sat down quietly and heaved a sigh. Then he began to stare at the ceiling. He remained in this position for about a minute. Suddenly, the gentleman became conscious of his environment. It was as if something had geared him back to life. He looked around to see if anyone had observed his actions for a while. This was when he noticed that I had been observing him all the while. I gave him a smile. I then began to move toward his direction with the menu in my hand. This made him even more apprehensive. ‘Good morning, sir. Welcome to Bessa’s kitchen where the dishes speak the language of your stomach.’ I smiled. ‘What would you like to eat this morning?’ I said as I handed him the menu. ‘Good evening, sir’, he responded as he struggled to maintain calmness. At this point, I knew my customer wanted something more than just a dish, I smiled as I sat at the opposite end of his table. I held his hands. ‘It’s okay, sir. I noticed you’ve been apprehensive for a while now. Calm down, orders can come later. Let’s have a heart to heart talk, guy to guy. What is bothering your mind?’ He heaved a sigh and sat straight. He looked like someone who had a truckload of fear and doubts running through his mind. I held his hands more tightly. ‘Your secret is safe with me.’, I assured him. Rays of hope beamed in his eyes and for the first time since he entered the restaurant, he smiled. ‘Sir, I am planning to pr…pro…pose to my girlfriend today but I don’t know how to go about it yet. Do you have an idea? He said as looked into my eyes hoping to find a saving grace. Here am I, a young man in his early twenties. I had not had any love experience. Though a large percentage of my friends are females, I had not proposed to any before. Don’t think of me as a strange person, I just don’t know how to woo a lady. But telling this young man in his late twenties that won’t be of any good. In fact, it would amount to adding fuel to fire. He needed a way out and I just have to devise one. An idea came to mind. If this works out, I’ll probably try it on Shola, my life-long crush. If it doesn’t, then, I’ll just thrash it. Either way, here is an opportunity to experiment. I gave it a nod. ‘I think I can help you’. I responded. ‘Wow! I’ll appreciate that. I’ll really do.’ he said as he beaming with a smile. ‘Let’s order for a rose and ring from Vine’s palace. It’s just across the street.  I’ll help you scribe something nice on a napkin. Something romantic.’ I said. ‘That’s lovely.’ He exclaimed. ‘When she comes, beckon on me, I’ll take her order but instead of presenting her with what she ordered, I would come with the ring and a rose in a tray. I’ll cover it with the napkin. When she opens her order, the content will do the talking. You’ll just have to end it with a line.’ I said and paused for a minute. ‘Something like…, erm…, what’s her name?’ I asked. ‘Oh, sorry. Erm. My name is Michael and her name is Mary ‘. He said joyfully. ‘Okay, you can say something like… Mary, although the stars sparkle in the sky and although the moon lightens the darkest night. The stars and the moon are not sufficient to tell of the joy you’ve brought into my life.  I’ll like to make that permanent. Will you marry me?’ Michael jumped up in excitement. ‘This is excellent!’, he said. ‘God bless you, sir’ I smiled, ‘I am Shayo’ He shook my hand. ‘God bless you, Shayo.’ Michael was over-joyous. It was written all over him. He kept repeating the same thing. ‘God bless you, Shayo.’ ‘Amen, sir. Just get the rose and ring before she comes.’ ‘Okay, boss’. Michael hurriedly left for the Vine’s palace and returned few minutes with a golden ring and a rose. Hmm, the ring would have cost him a fortune. Anyway, this is a matter of love and whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. ‘She should be here in the next 15 minutes. I just called her now.’, he did as he handed the package to me. ‘It’s alright, sir. Just be a man. Memorize your lines and leave the rest to me.’ I replied. ‘Okay, Shayo’. ‘Please, excuse me, sir. I’ll like to attend to some customers now.’ I smiled as I made my way to attend to a customer who just walked in with a lady. Valentine day is always a busy day at Bessa’s kitchen. It was about 20 minutes later while I was speaking with another waiter that Michael walked hurried up to me. He pulled me aside. ‘She’s… she’s outside.’ he said. By this time, we already had over 35 customers on seat. I could sense that he was a little bit apprehensive. ‘Alright, sir. You just act normally. Go back to your seat and welcome her with a broad smile. I’ll take it up from here.’ I reassured him. ‘Okay, thanks.’, he said as he made his way to his reserved table. The door opened gently and a lady in her late twenties walked in. A black lady with an elegant look that could cause even the most decent of men to take a second look. She walked up to Michael who was now standing and sitting

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