
Essays, Writers

A Realistic Dream by Michael Abiola.

  Time is what we want the most but we use the worst. I have never given much thought to how I am going to spend my time after retirement. I have been focused on honing my skills and learning how to build a multi-million dollars business. But come to think of it eventually I would get to that stage where I have no choice but to retire. Although for me I might still oversee some activities that will require my attention or presence. But one thing is sure, it would be on a minimal level. Hmmmn my retirement dreams? The big question here. I would love to explore more. I would love to do the things I have always loved like traveling, trying out new foods, reading more of history, visiting historical places, going on a boat cruise, bonding with my children, write a movie or novel, and a host of other things that interests me.   Of course, traveling will be with my wife. Those kinds of thrilling and critical moments are best enjoyed with a loved one. The first thing to do after I retire will be traveling. I would visit several places. Out of the places I would like to visit, the Zlatni rat beach stands out. The paradise beach Zlatni is one of the most beautiful beaches on the Croatia coastline and at the same time the most representative panorama of Bol. It was created by deposits of fine pebbles as sediments around the underwater reef, spreading as a small tongue as much as 500 meters into the sea. The very tip of the Zlatni rat keeps changing its shape constantly due to the influence of winds, waves, and sea circuits making it appear different and repeatedly interesting. The Eiffel is also on my bucket list of places to visit. I so much love the history of the place. While so many believed the Eiffel tower to be a symbol of love located in the city of love. They fail to notice the history of the place. The Eiffel tower was stretched to the Parisian skies 127 years ago. Although now symbolic to France, it wasn’t meant to last. Without a doubt, the turning point in the Eiffel tower history took place at the 1889 universal exposition. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, a competition was organized to build on the Champ-de-Mars an iron tower with a square base 125 meters wide and 300 meters high.   Out of the 107 submitted, Gustave Eiffel’s was chosen. The Eiffel tower history was not an easy one. At the time many were against the building and vowed their concern in a letter entitled “Artists against Mr. Eiffel’s Tower” stating the tower to be a threat against the aesthetic nature of Paris. An iron tower erected smack in the heart of Paris was considered unacceptable, a stark contrast to the elegance and refined beauty of the city. For example, Verlaine nicknamed the Eiffel tower the skeleton of Beffoi to demonstrate the giant tower’s ugly appearance that was bound to disfigure the city. Despite all the uproar and resistance the frail iron tower would nonetheless see the day. By the way, the tower was named after the engineer that constructed it, Gustave Eiffel. The construction lasted for 2yrs. When it is lit up at the night, it gives a true treat to the eyes. This spectacular sight becomes appealing due to the flashing lights used on the tower. A beautiful cafe with a public viewing space is located on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower. Countless proposals are made on the tower every year. Honeymooners and couples go to the place to enjoy breathtaking views. Hence my obsession with the place. Who knows I might even propose to my wife there?   And talking about historical places I would love to visit the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest sights in the world – the longest wall in the world an awe-inspiring feat of ancient defensive architecture. It’s winding path over rugged country and steep mountains take in some great scenery. The long walk has a long history of more than 2300 years. It was built in different areas by different states or dynasties to protect different territorial borders. The Great Wall was built to prevent invasion and to protect the silk road trade. It is a beautiful place to visit.   I am also a big fan of mouth-watering delicious meals. I would also visit some of the best restaurants in the world to try out different meals. All of this will require money. Thinking of my retirement dreams, I have never been more charged to make this a reality. For me, I believe the time is the greatest asset man can possess if used properly. This is why it must be judiciously spent. And making this retirement dream happen will be a good use of time.   Michael is a writer interested in Scriptwriting, Fiction, Human Psychology and Persuasion. He wrote in via

Essays, Writers

Retirement Visions by Favour Nwachukwu.

As he rounded up his speech with a final quote, I couldn’t help but marvel at such a great man, i was fascinated, everyone at the congregation was for there was a standing ovation as he exited the stage, rounds of applause from thousands of people who had come to learn. It was a conference held at one of the prestigious hotels gathering all who wanted to learn about the retirement dreams of various business tycoons and investors.. It was wonderful, I learnt a lot of things that day but that day also was the beginning of thoughts about my future..I couldn’t stop thinking about about his retirement dreams, David Bach a Tv personality and the author of the finish rich series, that conference spiked up a new feeling in me.. Up until that day, I have never really thought about that aspect of my future, I had thought about how my future would look like but not how it was supposed to look like when I would be ending. As I left for home that day, I kept thinking about my retirement dreams, what I would be doing during my retirement times.. A lot of people start thinking of retirement when they are getting, but I think mine would be slightly different because I don’t dream of retiring when am like 80 and don’t have the stamina to enjoy my retirement, I dream if retiring at a younger age like 50-60, where am still agile and capable to achieve my retirement dreams. One of my retirement dreams would be on engaging in a lot of things different from what I was used to, I dream of enjoying nature especially. Traveling round the world, getting a view of God’s creation, getting ideas and writing about a whole lot of things I would be studying, looking into different sectors, getting acquainted with various walks of life.. There hasnt been a time i had dreamed of not achieving my goals before my age of retirement,my dream and aim in life have been on retiring when all I have sought to achieve had gained success, a lot of people would be wondering how I plan to hit success at a early stage. But there’s something have learned tha when you earnestly desire a thing and seek it with all your heart, that thing ends up successful. My dreams which along with the strategies I plan to work on, I see them coming to reality.. One of my major dreams apart from traveling and viewing nature’s beauties will be being in the mids my children and grand children, get to know more about my grand children, making sure they learn a lot, spend a lot of time with them, put into their memories the pictures of a loving and hardworking woman.  At the age of 60, I should be the CEO of a wealthy institute focusing on bringing more awareness into my country about biochemical technologies, so when I would be retiring, I plan on focusing all my hard earned wealth gathered from all these years into improving the lives of individuals, giving humans all over the world an incentive to thoughts about the betterment of their future..establishing a solid foundation for young one who have no background and sponsor, helping them to set their paths straight.. I also plan on being more align with my creator, drawing and winning souls for Him, I had always had this dream of winning African children especially the boys to God, I had always been pained about how children (young boys of age 13-19) always ended up losing their lives to the hands of various unhealthy addictions, I once learnt of a place where young one where being gathered and taught how to smoke all sort of drugs, take alcohols and living a life that they eventually regret..I would like to take up on that. Traveling round the world to schools, colleges and universities, enlightening them about the dangers of all these things they indulge in..offering scholarships to those who are willing to follow the right path. Also, I plan on enhancing the relationship between mothers and daughters especially when these daughters are at their teen ages..this breech which has been going on for long is most commonly experienced in the Christian field, so I plan on conducting seminars on how mothers are to cope and relate with their kids especially when they are growing up along side with my others retirement plans, All these I plan on executing during the early years of retirement. For my later years of retirement, when I wouldn’t be that strong to continue my travels and seminars, I will be conducting online seminars and lectures for my various interest then spend the rest of the day relishing in the taste of different delicacies from across the world. I don’t necessarily think that retirement dreams should be all about staying home, waking up late, watching Tv and enjoying yourself even if its also an aspect of it, I do think its a time to take a break off from that major thing you have been working on for years and trying something different, like a way to try something new. Favour Nwachukwu wrote in via

Essays, Writers

Only Retire When Impact Is Made by Sunday Odu.

  At age 6 in the year 2002, my academic journey began at Top-Tay primary school situated in Kurin-mashi, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Being a former pupil for the first time was awkward to recall but still a day I will never forget. The fear to face my peers in class was my anxiety, yet weary about returning to class the next day. But with time I began to adapt and cope with the learning process. It was then I managed to learn to write the English alphabets and numbers for the first time.But was it the start of the future I was created for? Find out!   I spent just a term in my first ever school attended, due to the fact that I needed a new challenge; so I was enrolled in another school, a public primary school in my locality. My new environment was not a bad experience because I was able to conquer my fear and anxiety, but still had some deficiencies in bringing home good results after each term’s examination. I never can tell what exactly the problem was. But I kept on going to classes. At some point I got humiliated and embarrassed by family and friends for being almost the least in terms of academic results after each term. However, that was the turning point of my academic performance. As soon as the new term resumed, I was promoted on trial being 8 years old then. What happened next? Check the next paragraph.   In my new class I had to change my system of learning and did extra learning aside from normal school activities. I stayed an extra one hour to revise and study what I was taught that day. I continued such acts till when the term’s examination started. After the exam, the result was issued and guess what?  I came top of the class, I was the 1st position in my class.   Hmm! mm!  Amazing right?  But was this still a stepping stone to the future I wanted? Read on to find out!   After the term ended, I and my family relocated to another local government area within the state. In my new environment I was enrolled in a nearby school, and this time around I was happy and confident to resume school after my “exploit” in my former school. My new school Holy Child International School located in the southern part of the vicinity was a good place to be, learning was enjoyable and comfortable. The facilities there enhanced and boosted my learning process. At every end of the term I was awarded prizes as the best student. Even in extracurricular activities I was the best, especially in the game of football. Indeed, my contribution and impact was a massive one.   I know you at this point you will feel that the future is becoming green and bright. But something happened!   My dad Mr. Samuel had complications at his workplace which led to a sack from his job. That was frustrating for a man with 5 children. My siblings and I have to drop out of school as a result of the loss of my dad’s job. The situation called for different means to find ends to meet to feed the family.   Thinking of this you would wonder how we were going to cope right? But that was not all oh!    We found out that my dad was having an affair with another woman and the worst of it was that she became pregnant for him. Chai! Double wahala!   For me, it was triple wahala because I had to cope with the family situation, my education and my potential stepmom. Where will I start from? The most annoying part of this situation is that my dad disappeared. One knew he was about. Though he could not face the situation he found himself and the household to find a greener pasture. At this point the future of the children was skeptical.   To continue our academic education, I and my siblings enrolled in a nearby tutorial center. We attended the tutorial center for almost a year until mom got an offer to work as a cleaner in a school (Brain Foundation Model School) within the vicinity. Due to my mom’s influence in the place she worked, myself and my younger ones had the opportunity to get enrolled again. Thankfully, I completed my primary school there as the best graduating pupil.   What hurdle was next to face and conquer?  Find out in the next paragraph.   We relocated to Lagos shortly after I completed my primary school education, to meet my dad after 5 years of not seeing him. Life in Lagos was indeed an experience. But with time we got used to the lifestyle. Due to the financial instability not all of us were able to enroll in a school at once. I had to sacrifice my opinion of going to a formal school to attend a computer training program, so that my younger ones can complete their own primary school education. This decision was the turning point of things for me. It was the starting point to whom I wanted to become and how I wanted to retire.   I got registered with Timo Computer College on a six-month program. I learned typing, Microsoft programs, CorelDRAW and photoshop, at age 15. A six-month program turned into 3 years because I was retained by the organization to work. I was paid every month which was the money I used to start my secondary school session. While schooling, I was working in the evenings. I was able to complete my junior high school and started senior high school.   I graduated with a good o’level result popularly known as WAEC (West Africa Examination Council). Completing my secondary school, real life came into play. While seeking admission into the University, I needed to raise funds to prepare for university life. I got engaged in

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