

#JuneWritingContest: A Book In A Year Reloaded(N100k Prize)

#JuneWritingContest: A Book In A Year Reloaded(N100k Prize) Here is another chance to win N100k by doing what you love. Recall that we formally started writing A Book In Year in June 2023. Before that, we had sessions and posts on how to achieve the task. But after my 2nd post on the challenge, we lost steam. So we will go again this year and for this month, we will write about our proposed book project as a precursor to other activities that will help us realise this goal. TASK: A short book proposal detailing the following. An introductory background to your book, why you want to publish it and why you think it will be a viable venture. A premise (if you are writing non-fiction, your story premise is the basic concept or thesis, usually identifying the need/problem and then proposing a solution). Your writing strategies/tools (Writing times/venue, target daily & total word count, MS Word, Google Doc, Scrivener, etc). Your preferred publishing pathway (Self or Traditional Publishing) and why you chose it. If you wish to collaborate then you MUST assign different colours to each author and highlight their contribution. Here is an example. As usual, you MUST publish your stories on Medium, LinkedIn, Substack or any alternative platform and then send the link to your published story to You MUST also attend the peer review session and provide useful feedback to stand a chance of winning. The total word count of your story should be 1500 words ± 10% and the submission deadline is on or before Wednesday 19/06/2024 at 11:59 pm. IMPORTANT!!! Read, research and understand the instructions before starting. For further clarification, send an email to The winner will be determined by peer review on a date to be announced on our social media pages. GOODLUCK! If you enjoyed this, please share it and hit the follow button to join our community of digital creatives at let’s grow together. If you wish to emigrate or collaborate, send an email to me let’s work together.


Writing Contest.

My good friend Stanley Ugbo Okeke recently blessed me with N100k and I decided to reward those participating in our book-in-a-year challenge. So for N100k let’s write! Please choose from the topics and follow the instructions below; Who is to blame for Nigeria’s turbulent journey? Bad weather, the passengers or the captains? (Feature) Fuel subsidy removal, analysing the effects and possible suggestions for a better economy. (Opinion) Meeting the mysterious – A tale on fear. (Fiction) Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea – The dilemma of resolving a serious issue or committing suicide. (Fiction)  Don’t give up. (Poetry) Write an ode to a person who has played a huge role in your life. (Poetry)   INSTRUCTIONS: The word count for poetry is (500 -750) and (1000-1500) for fiction/feature/opinion ±10% You MUST submit 2 entries one of which MUST be poetry. The submission deadline is 11:59 pm 15/09/2023. IMPORTANT!!! Edit & proofread thoroughly before submitting your entry. Your entry will not be published if it is full of errors. Submit via email to  Note: Read our general rules before submitting your work. Pay particular attention to items 2 & 9 because many entries have been trashed for not following instructions. WARNING!!! PLAGIARISM will get you banned from this platform. We will publish the essays as they come. Please try to submit early to make our job easier. Share your published stories widely for others to read. Good luck!

Blog, FEATURES, Lifestyle

Your Values Become Your Destiny: A Book In A Year Month II

Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny. ~ Mahatma Gandhi LEADERSHIP: As a growing boy, I perceived leadership from a limited political prism. I believe it was the same for most of us. My model leaders were Mandela, Azikiwe, Awo..Ahmadu bello..Lincoln..Churchill..Martin Luther King..Sankara etc But with maturity, I realised that we are all leaders. There are social..religious..traditional..educational groups where you can lead. We lead friends and we lead our families too. The most important leadership, however, is self-leadership. When you are able to influence your thoughts towards laudable objectives and act to achieve them you will likely want to encourage others to travel that path. And in doing that, you build other leaders. We cannot build our own future without helping others build theirs. ~ Bill Clinton To lead we must participate. That’s what leaders do. They don’t sit in the back row. No! They learn, grow, volunteer, contribute and inspire others. I urge everyone to lead. Don’t wait for me or the other person. This is a community for skill and knowledge acquisition. Share your thoughts, ideas, writings, resources, tips, jokes etc. PARTICIPATE & LEAD. There are millions of books out there on leadership but for the purpose of our community and what we want to achieve, I recommend Tribes by Seth Godin. If you can’t get hold of it now check out a wonderful summary here. It’s a small but powerful book. Seth’s words will spur you into passionately pursuing your goal and sharing it with others. Getting them to believe in you as well. There are noble ideas and causes around which we might organize. But to achieve them, we need to be out there, making things happen. We can do it if we refuse to live with the fear that we can’t. If we aren’t afraid of embarrassment or failure. MORE ON OUR VISION: I previously outlined our vision thus: To be the leading platform for FREE and AFFORDABLE digital skill acquisition. To this end, I have reached out to a friend who is an experienced academic, writer, communication expert and thoroughbred professional for a potential collaboration. Of course, we all know the meaning but as usual, let me illustrate with my experience. When the volume of submissions for our essay contest grew too large for me to handle alone, I sought assistance from a young Nigerian, Chukwuemeka Ibeh, a staff writer with Brittle Paper.Brittle Paper. I never met him in person but his work impressed me. The power of the written word! In any case, he was too busy so he recommended Daniel Ogah, another brilliant young writer. You all know the great work Daniel did assisting me before he took a break to focus on his studies. That’s the type of collaboration I want to engage in going forward. Whatever venture I build now must have a system that can be macro-managed remotely because I’m a traveller. I can’t afford to be physically rooted in one location and the internet makes it possible. If my friend gets on board we may be launching before the year winds or early next year and we will definitely need capable hands. So guys if you have WordPress skills get ready. If you wish to learn then ask and I will send resources. It’s easy and in a short time, you can be proficient. PLATFORM/AUDIENCE: I mentioned consistency and platform as requisite factors that will help us achieve our vision. Let me hammer a BIG POINT again. To build a platform you need to have a domain of your own. Please get an account with Medium, Substack or some other platform. If you have noticed I publish almost all my stories on Medium as well as cmonionline. You need a personal domain to publish. Please do this. I’m surprised that many of you haven’t done so. How difficult is it? Then get active on social media. Frankly, I can’t imagine what any serious person wants to achieve without this. We live online and mostly on social media. You don’t have to waste time like I did in the be strategic. You can check out Buffer and similar tools that can help you manage your social media accounts. Social media is addictive so you need to be careful to maximise its use to your advantage. It took me many years of wasting precious time to realise this. These days even though I still chat nonsense at times I’m more conscious and deliberate with my posts. Now let me elaborate more on platform building using Twitter as an example. Those who know me well know I spent years on Facebook. I built a large following there mostly by writing about socio-political topics. But at a point, I realised I had to take a break for two reasons. 1. Because it was a time-consuming addiction and 2. It was time to build a brand by doing more productive and scalable writing that needed Twitter. I will return to Facebook later because my audience is still there. That’s the great thing about building an will have loyal readers who keep asking after you when you take a break. Those years of building will not go to waste. The leverage of that audience must be converted from potential to kinetic. But for now, I want to concentrate on Twitter. You may not know but Twitter isn’t exactly similar to Facebook even though both are basically for engagement and connecting with people. Twitter has some specific attributes that make it suitable for my intent. It had more of the demographic I sought. It offers a faster way to reach a wider audience. As writers, we want to excel and also get published. But that is half the job as we learned from Bolaji who spoke to us on this platform. Marketing your book requires the same effort as

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A Book In A Year And Our Vision.

Let’s talk about 3 things. Our ongoing writing project The graphic design course Our vision Punctuality is a big problem with Nigerians but I allow for just 10 minutes. Again it’s easy to feel discouraged when you don’t have the numbers for an event but I long learned to keep pushing with what you have. That’s exactly what my essay on the plurality myth talked about. If you keep waiting for the right moment or numbers then progress or even starting at all will remain elusive. So at 17:10hrs, we started the meeting with 2 members in the room but we were later joined by others. A BOOK IN A YEAR: I know some of us may not have started writing while some would have written for a month. Life is like that and we may well have valid reasons for lagging behind but no time is late. I also didn’t start immediately because I fell ill and did some training for a new job when I felt better. But I have started and believe me I’m flying. So you can start now and still finish before everyone. The most important thing like every other thing in life is to start. Having said that let me begin with my own project. I am doing a series on self-development which I publish as The Success Journey. I initially started writing it based on eternal principles with real-life examples to make it more relatable. Along the line, I read Attention Span by Gloria Mark which offered a different perspective on digital distraction and productivity. I reckoned I should adapt my writing to reflect the internet world we live in. So I am now interrogating more resources on digital productivity, books, podcasts, stories etc. I also started following people that talk about related topics to fill my cognitive resources. In the end, I will sort what I have produced, develop it more and arrange it into chapters and bang I have a draft! I write daily now but of course, I can’t publish everything. However, I try to publish at least 2 stories each week. Even though I have deleted all my drafts on politics I still have over 20 left. Some 50 and some 400 words. This is even with my workload which is now clocking about 40hrs. As a matter of fact, by the end of today, I would have done 48hrs for the week. Yet, in between I still find time to oversee my businesses in Nigeria. My hack is this: I wake up by 5:15 am and do deep work for over 2 hrs before I start the day. If you know you really don’t own the rest of the day and that you must work to earn then 2 hours daily is certainly more than enough to keep building towards goals and objectives that will define your lifetime. Faith Oyadiran is working on a project he described as a kind of hybrid between fiction and non-fiction. I encouraged him to keep up his writing practice by trying out other topics every now and then. Life is not linear and even though you are writing a book there are still many other issues to discuss. Emmanuel Enaku has about 10000 words in a story where he is trying out a character that isn’t Messidinho. I believe he can create as many characters as he likes because we all know he has a knack for creative fiction. He also has over 5000 words in another native story that will require more work and research. It was delightful to hear about these huge strides. Surely we will have more published authors after 365 days. On the reward process, I think we are yet to make enough progress, after the 2nd month we can discuss that. Already we have ideas like book reviews noted down from our previous meetings and I am also searching for a practicable weekly short contest that will replace my defunct Twitter #SundayPuzzle GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSE: I have shared that I got the same price as last year for the training and that is great news considering the rate of inflation and the worsening economic hardship. If my friends don’t come through with their pledges I will fund the training. It is not a big deal after all only 4 people wrote in and I can decide to fund those 4 if my pocket is feeling choked. VISION: You may have come across the paraphrases in my writings but here is where we are headed in a nutshell. To be the leading platform for FREE and AFFORDABLE digital skill acquisition. Starting with writing we will keep acquiring complementary digital skills that are vital for improved productivity in our world today. We are still a long way but we are on the right path. They say two good heads are better than one and that is why I encourage contributions. We are building something that will exceed our expectations. A tribe that will collectively add greater value to our society than we can do individually. However, achieving this will depend largely on two major factors I sing about daily and please pay particular attention to them. (i) Consistency: If you are working towards a target try not to lose focus till it’s achieved. One way you can achieve this is by being consistent. If you decide to write daily then write daily. I have already written on this and you can peruse it here. (ii) Platform: Get your own domain, I can’t say this enough and I also wrote about growing your Platform. Read, like, share and engage texts, ideas, resources, and publications. Take advantage of this community and other networks to grow by supporting each other. Be deliberate about this because all the hard work will amount to nothing if you have no platform that will serve as your launch pad as well as a support system. Patrick Collison said; “Make friends over the internet with people

Blog, Bookshop

The Christian Business Mind by Oluwaseun Jemima

Our own dear Oluwaseun recently published a book and we are proud to recommend it to you. Book Title: The Christian Business Mind Book Link: Synopsis: The price for excellence in life is a value that many Christians lack in their businesses and careers. Running a business or career the godly way is possible. In The Christian Business Mind, biblical principles as regards business and career are highlighted with several relatable examples. The author, a business and career woman, teaches steps to balance life and please God. With several references, she also acknowledges the resources that helped her this far as a Christian who runs a business during weekends and her career during the week.

Blog, News, Resources

Write A Book In A Year With Cmonionline.

The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better. ~ Stephen King We are finally here. It is official and it may seem to have come too fast but it’s always good to get started. If there is one thing I’ve learned in my 7 years abroad it is that the Western world thrives on productivity and lengthy deliberations can sometimes turn to prevarication. So it’s always better to start acting on your ideas and improve along the way. It gets better when you are accompanied because you have a challenge and support. ACT==>FAIL/PASS==>LEARN==>CONTINUE It is that simple guys. I know some have already started writing like myself. Some will still start and some may not write a word in the entire period. It’s different strokes for different folks but push on…we must! Now why do we want to write a book? The answer is simple. Because we can write a book! In our last session, we deliberated on spicing up the next 365 days of writing a book. It is important to reward our efforts for good reasons. The obvious is encouragement, and then it is necessary to take breaks — it could be monthly or quarterly — with some rote activities that may help to replenish our cognitive resources. Ideas like spoken word contests, poems, word count, and periodic writing competitions in the manner we usually have were mentioned. Well since variety is the spice of life and writing it will be nice to try these suggestions as we progress. We will simply put them to vote in the group and go with the majority choice. Book reviews: We will recommend 3 or 4 books for writers to choose from and then do a review. Writers will then determine the winning entries to be rewarded. I think this is a brilliant idea especially if we include authors/genres that may resonate with our writing ideas. It is actually killing 3 birds with a stone. You get a break, draw from reading and receive a bank alert. Well, the 3rd bird depends on the house. And finally, we agreed to START on 11th June 2023. So all things being equal, by 11th June 2024 through our effort each person should have published a book or at the very least have a draft. A Tip We Skipped. Find a reader, preferably someone you trust to always tell you the brutal truth. No flattery or undeserved adulation but honest feedback that will encourage you to keep pushing. I have my uncle and because my work will be published here I may request feedback from you at intervals. Next up…  On Sunday, June 25, 2023, we will host two content creators Ada @lightwoxng and Ifunanya @iphie_explores who will share their thoughts on digital creativity and social media. Further details on this will be shared on our social media platforms soon but it’s IMPORTANT to know the Talkshop is part of the criteria for choosing 10 beneficiaries of the FREE graphic design training. If you just started following you can still catch up with previous sessions and read some posts on writing in our resources category. That’s all, start writing and all the best!

Blog, Resources

A Book In A Year Session IV

  Following the exciting Session III, we will have the final session for this project on Sunday 4th June 2023 @6pm and here are the reasons you shouldn’t miss it. We will recap the previous sessions to bring everyone up to speed. We will determine a reward pathway for the project. Juicy pledges from our sponsors will be revealed. There will be free training on graphic design for 10 writers. The Book In A Year project will officially commence. You can read the previous sessions here and the link to join on Sunday is below. A Book In A Year IV Sunday, 04/06/2023, 6:00–7:00 pm Time zone: Europe/Dublin Google Meet joining info Video call link: See you soon.

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A Book In A Year III: Getting Published.

With its weight and solidity, a book signals to the world that there are ideas worth preserving in a form that carries heft, and takes up space; by its touchability, a book signals the importance of our engagement in an arena external to and larger than ourselves.~ Steven L. Carter   Our last session was a cruise. We enjoyed over an hour with Bolaji Olatunde who touched on just about every chapter of his experience in the publishing world. Fortunately, Scribbl transcribed the meeting, and regardless of the errors you will still get the gist here. But let me summarise my takeaways below. 1. It won’t be easy: Bolaji recalled 120 rejections between 2008 and 2011. That’s about 30 rejections annually. But don’t be deterred because if it was easy then every other person will have a title. It is tough because you have chosen to belong to that fraction of less than 1% of the world’s population. It’s an elite group and this is not boasting. Fortunately, the internet is making it easier as we witness ground-breaking tech innovations on a daily. 2. Your choice: You can choose any route from traditional, self-publishing, or hybrid publishing. It should go without saying that the traditional option backed by resources and decades of history has an edge. Nevertheless, smaller self-publishing units continue gaining ground and more Nigerian authors opt for this route because of the frustrating attitude of our traditional publishing sector. 3. Spread your wings: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Explore beyond our local publishers and you may be surprised. But be ready for multiple rejections. Stephen King pinned every rejection letter he received to his wall with a nail. In his book On Writing, he wrote “By the time I was fourteen, the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on WRITING!” So accept the rejections as they come, they will form part of your testimony. 4. The Query Letter: We were introduced to the concept of Querying. It is a term that is vaguely familiar and may have been reduced in importance by the rise of self-publishing. Jane Freidman wrote; “the query letter has one purpose, and one purpose only: to seduce the agent or editor into reading or requesting your work”. Your query should include a synopsis of your manuscript, your bio, and an extract from your work. Bolaji recalled that previously, a writer had to send this by courier and wait for months to get a reply that may never come. Fortunately, electronic media has reduced this burden. So we are lucky! 5. Copyright Protection: Piracy is a common problem in Nigeria. You can see hard copies of your intellectual property being sold for a fraction of its worth by the roadside or the PDF version being distributed freely on the internet. You can do your bit to combat piracy by getting your ISBN (International Standard Book Number) which can ONLY be issued by the National Library of Nigeria. It is IMPORTANT to follow the procedure of depositing the required copies with them as this is the only acceptable legal proof in the event of a copyright breach. 6. Marketing: The job isn’t done after you get published. You need to work harder at marketing and distribution. Resources abound online on how to go about this, but it is important to start building an audience before you have your book ready. I previously wrote about the ease of having an author’s platform in this internet era and this story offers some tips too. On Writing, Bolaji advised us to read, read and read especially those who have done it before you and the authors you admire. Make the dictionary your best friend. It is for a reason we all know. He closed by commending our effort and exhorted us to keep on doing what we are doing because writing is a rewarding process that can take you to places you could have only dreamt of. Now if you have been following our writing community you will recall that our aim is to improve a waning literary culture through regular writing, reading, and thinking. Our current project A Book In A Year is in line with this and a webinar on getting published may appear like jumping the gun but it is not. As a group, we would love to take pride in rejoicing with unpublished writers who eventually excel in their literary careers and I can tell you that our host for the session Oluwaseun Osanyinro @Dee_Jemima recently published her book. So Getting Published is actually a fitting conclusion to our brainstorming session. Our speaker Bolaji Olatunde is a writer and publisher with 5 titles in his kitty. His latest work, A Person Of Heft was shortlisted for the 2021 Association Of Nigerian Authors Prose Prize. You can always reach him via Twitter @BOLMOJOLA You can find more tips in our resources category. You should also read about our session I and session II before we reconvene on 04/06/2023 to consider the reward pathway for this exciting project.

Blog, Resources

More Resources To Help You Write A Book In A Year.

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. ~ Richard Bach Following the introductory session last Sunday, our 2nd session on this project was encouraging as Aaron Livingstone, one of the pioneer writers of our community rejoined after being away for other priorities. We also welcomed a new member Faith Oyadaran. Faith was introduced by Oluwaseun Osanyiro and he wants to follow in her footsteps to write his first book. It was an engaging one-hour of interesting contributions from most attendees and this is what we want to see. We broached areas like Outline per Emmanuel and I promised to share Daniel’s post from our writing retreat to illuminate the difference between plot and outline. You can read it here. Aaron mentioned the importance of Grammarly while Oluwaseun recommended texts like Crushing Procrastination by Deborah Funbunwhe and Miracle Morning for Writers by Hal Elrod et al. Finally, Aaron mooted AI and we delved into what it means for writers. I referenced Elon Musk’s recent interview where he said Google CEO Larry Page was seeking to build a digital super intelligence, a digital god. Well, that’s it. Now we have a job to do, and that is to write a book in a year. It could be bad, it could be good, hell it might even be great, who knows? But if it’s your first book then it is natural to expect that it will not be excellent. William S. Burroughs said, “You do an awful lot of bad writing in order to do any good writing. Incredibly bad. I think it would be very interesting to make a collection of some of the worst writing by good writers”.  I believe a writer’s first job is to write. The rest is a function of variable components like audience, platform, publishers, etc. But first, you have to fill those blank pages. In the past week, I scurried around the internet in search of resources that will aid us in the project and I can gladly proclaim that it was fruitful. What’s more, it is increasingly likely that I will be taking on more than one project before the end of 12 months. But I’ll whittle my optimism. One after the other is the overarching echo in my subconscious and I don’t want to overlook that principle. So in addition to a previous post on writing resources, I will share two findings and hope you find them useful as we make progress. 1. The First 10 Steps To Write Your Book: I found this article to be the most concise guide for anyone who seriously wants to write a book because it captured all the basics. Of particular importance to me is item 3, PREMISE: This is where you describe the fundamental elements of your story like “Who is your character? What is their goal? Who (or what!) is stopping them from accomplishing it, and what will happen when they reach it?” For example; Kobis wants to have Chinwe as his girl but Kunle, a police officer is dating her and Kobis thinks she’s being forced to remain in the relationship. He is determined to get her regardless of the consequences”. This is neither an outline nor a structure but just the simplest encapsulation of your story. In other words, your story is summarised in one sentence or paragraph. You can go ahead and read the entire piece and you will agree with me that it’s a solid prep to hit the ground running. 2. The 365-Day First Book Writing Challenge: This is a method that will blow your mind. It’s a system that defeats every writer’s biggest challenge which is filling those blank pages. I mean whoever came up with this ingenious idea deserves an award. Here you are required to write daily but you are not expected to write up to 500 words on any given day. The technique “leverages the fact there are 365 days in a year” by having a chart with each box containing the number of words to the corresponding day of the 365-day period. All you have to do each day is write between 1 and 365 words. Now check this out; “You want to shoot for writing the highest number of words you can to cross the highest number off the chart, but as long as you write any number of words which corresponds with a number that’s still available on the chart, you’re golden”. However, if you stick to the chart, the maximum word count you will do on the day you write the highest number of words in the entire year of writing is 365. But the ridiculous part is that you can have days when you write as little as 1 or 2 words. Can you beat that? Surely writing that first book can’t be simpler. There are many resources out there to help us achieve our target but the two links I shared above will surely get you started if you are determined to have your draft in 365 days. Remember the most important factors are your DESIRE and DETERMINATION. As I always say, we don’t need thousands or hundreds of people to achieve this goal. It may seem like 99% of people out there don’t know or care about what you are doing but the fact that you belong to the other 1% means you are leading the way. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get going!

Blog, Resources

A Book In A Year: Session I

We had our first session of brainstorming toward the realization of “A Book In A Year” project and I was again surprised at the number of writers who have either completed a draft or have an ongoing project. As I wrote In Support Of Writing Groups, the benefits of joining one greatly outweigh the cons. In this session, we learned some tips that can help you put pen to paper. I was particularly impressed by Oluwaseun‘s hack that helped her reach the finish line with her latest book. It reminded me of quest journaling as tweeted by Justin C Scott. You can check it out and see if you can try it. You can read the transcript of session I here. The errors by Scribbl are hilarious but you can still get the important points. Next Sunday we will continue discussing the pathways to achieve our objective. Please go online and search for tips/resources on how to write a book in a year so that you can make further contributions. For instance, this article talks about a 365-day book writing challenge that is simple enough that any writer, no matter what their level, should be able to follow it to reach their goal. You can also read it up and see if it’s something you can attempt. The link to join for next Sunday remains the same. A Book In A Year Sunday, 14 May 2023, 6:00–7:00 pm Time zone: Europe/Dublin Google Meet joining info Video call link: Thanks for your time and see you soon.

Blog, Resources

In Support Of Writing Groups.

The isolated imagination is easily corrupted by theory, but the writer inside his community seldom has such a problem. ~ Flannery O’Connor In his book On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft, best-selling author Stephen King trashed the idea of writing groups and book clubs while asserting that success is usually the result of a writer’s grind. ie the ability to stay true to the cause, write consistently and rummage regularly to develop ideas, and style until you find your voice. Well, it will be audacious to disagree with a genius who has repeatedly proven to be a master of the game time and time again. This is especially so when I am a great fan that is still learning the ropes. Thus I can only interrogate his take carefully and add mine where necessary. I will say that King belongs to the old-school generation of writers like Isaac Asimov that portray the craft as a lonely one. Indeed he wrote the following statement in the same title: “Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don’t have to make speeches. Just believing is usually enough.”  It is also evident in King’s social life. He is an avid reader who takes a book to basketball games. Who does that? In the first place, I rarely watch a game of sports alone on TV let alone going to the stadium without a companion. How can I watch a game while reading? And even if King reads during intervals how long do these breaks last for one to flow with the story he’s reading? When I started the cmonionline essay competition, the initial idea was to encourage young people who are interested in writing to consistently put pen to paper for a token reward that will be determined by judges. While this was going on I enrolled in a postgraduate course where the bulk of our study was group discussions. The collaborative efforts of classmates provided a significant portion of the knowledge I acquired. That was when I decided to switch to peer review and consequently created a group. Since then we have held webinars and retreats and even trained some people in Graphic Design. Today I’m glad that one of our most consistent writers Oluwaseun Osanyinro has published a book — The Christian Business Mind — while another writer will also be published soon. Of course, every writer gets credit for her work but most will tell you that they may not have achieved it without the support of others. The iconic Ursula K. Le Guin succinctly captured the importance of writing groups thus; Collaborative workshops and writers’ peer groups hadn’t been invented when I was young. They’re a wonderful invention. They put the writer into a community of people all working at the same art, the kind of group musicians and painters, and dancers have always had. The benefits of joining a book club or writing group are too many. It’s even more so now with the proliferation of the internet which makes it easier to meet. Besides the exposure and knowledge you gain, you also get resources and other free stuff like editing, and beta readers. In addition, there is a sense of camaraderie that engender encouragement and feedback to help you refine your craft. The icing for me, however, is the fun and wits that spice the conversation. Writers are usually witty folks and when they interact the abundance of talent is evident. So if your net worth is your network as they say, then, by all means, build it by joining a writing group like cmonionline because we are on the move again. This time we want to write a book in a year and we are having a series of meetings to conceptualize this. Below is the link to join via Google Meet every Sunday this month. A Book In A Year Sunday, 7 May 2023, 6:00–7:00 pm Time zone: Europe/Dublin Google Meet joining info Video call link:

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Want To Write A Book In A Year?

I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning. ~ Peter De Vries Starting with De Vries’s quote is apt because I had been planning this for a while till I was inspired to act by Bolaji Olatunde. I’ve been following him for some time but only realized that he has 5 books to his name. I mean not 1 or 2 but 5! Do you know that writing 1500 words weekly can give you a 200-page book in a year? Do the math: That is 78000 words in a year. A 200-page book is approximately 50–60k words. Writing is an essential activity for almost everyone. We write for one reason or the other. A writer is a person who has written something or who writes in a particular way and an author is a writer of a book, article, or document. I use publisher or the phrase “aspiring writer” to describe myself on many platforms. This is despite the fact that I fit the definition since I write regularly. I just prefer to be modest till I publish a book. I know there are millions like me who want to publish a book before assuming the title. Well, let me tell you what I just did. I took preemptive action and elevated my status. I am now a writer because I will have a book published at the end of the year. I was determined to do so last year. I published the first of the Success Journey Series here and hoped to produce enough self-development stories to have a book by the end of the year. Here we are and I’m still trying. Simply because I didn’t do enough. I won’t bother you with the details but I’m not in a bad situation. As Gena Showalter said; “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” I only failed to have a book in 2022 but I’ve not given up! So what do you want to write about? You may already have a story in the works or a story idea. It could be fiction or non-fiction. 1500 works out to just over 200 words daily. Surely that’s achievable. We proved that by writing consistently for over one year in the #EssayCompetition. If we compile those words some of us would have books by now. But of course, we needed the priming. We had to develop consistency. You can aim for more but don’t be too ambitious if there are other tasks in your schedule that will impede progress. Leo Tolstoy published Anna Karenina in serial installments from 1875 to 1877. The book is arguably the greatest work of literature. I aim to have my success journey series published at the end of the year. Who knows, I may just eclipse Tolstoy. There will be hiccups and unintended interruptions but if we keep on grinding the off days will cumulatively amount to nothing consequential. We will also be tempted to imagine the end product. Many of us are guilty of this. You haven’t started a journey and you are already thinking of the end. Well, it’s never a bad idea to dream about your future but it is desire and action that will get you there. It won’t be rocket science. We will use proven methods that have worked and continue to work for many successful writers. As we progress we will discover new things, forge new relationships, and improve our craft. We will have periodic meetings to reflect, review, and reward our efforts. We don’t need a plurality. In fact, it is often the case that trying to lead everyone results in leading no one in particular. Two determined people driven by a common goal will achieve greater than a million loungers. The process will be simple and open to reasonable adjustments from YOU. We have the whole of May to brainstorm and draw up the e-tivities. Our first meeting will be at 18:00 GMT+1 via Google Meet on 07/05/2023. The link to join will be shared via email and social media channels. If you want to join our WhatsApp group kindly email a request with your details to Now get to work. Search online and offline for resources, ideas, and tips that will help us achieve this target. Then attend the meeting with your jotter let’s get going. CAVEAT: Please join us ONLY if you are willing to COMMIT and CONTRIBUTE. I will not be leading this, WE will lead it and WE will all benefit from the experience.

Blog, Resources

Some tips for reading more books!

Studies have shown that reading is more neurobiologically demanding than processing images or speech, it helps better in developing your brain unlike watching TV which is largely passive and not intellectually demanding. You can make the task even more exciting by co-opting a friend to make it a contest, but read, it is the most retentive method of acquiring knowledge.

Creative Essays, Writers

The Book That Nailed It All by Saberedowo Oluwafisayo

  He never wanted to hear the word, ‘God’. He locked himself in for days and only talk when he’s out of the house. He abandoned his chores and threatened to leave home if we would not allow him to live in peace. All attempts to make him see things differently failed. We begged, wept, and sort help from the best of psychologists but Michael was resolute: Dad’s death meant the end of the world to him. Mum could not bear it any longer. Agreed, dad is dead, but losing her only son cannot be the way forward. Mum is a devout Christian and now that sermons, medical science, and psychology could not relieve Michael of our common grief, she resorted to fasting and prayer. She also mandated every one of us to fast twice a week for our brother. For nearly three months after we lost dad to a plane crash, we held vigils to ward off what mummy called forces against Michael’s life. It was not unusual for me to doze off in class. Friends began to call me Jonah and I had to stand up to ward off sleep or serve punishments as deemed fit by the teacher. Life was tough with dad gone but standing in class was not too much of a price to pay to see my brother back to his former self. Michael often go to the stadium every evening to watch his team, Quantum FC play. That was the only aspect of his life that resumed after dad’s death. He had stopped attending church services and would not show up for family devotion. Mum once tried to make him join us. She went upstairs and knocked on his door. At first, he ignored her but when she persisted he opened the door.  Michael came out and warned her not to bother him with God or devotion any longer. ‘Where was God when dad died? He was a devout and upright man. He served God and gives forty percent of his income to charity. He was on his way to commission an orphanage when he died! Mummy, for all I care, my love for God died with him.’ Mummy could not hold back tears from streaming down her cheeks as Michael slammed the door. For a moment she stood transfixed at the door wiping her tears with the back of her hands. Then, she cleared her throat and called us to join her at the door. That was where we had the devotion for the day. It was also the day we launched vigils and fasting for Michael. One fateful Tuesday evening, while returning from the stadium, Michael lost his wallet. The wallet contained two ATM cards, a sum of ten thousand naira, and a picture of his favourite moment with dad. He was about to stop a taxi when he noticed that he had misplaced his wallet. He ran back into the stadium and began to sweat profusely. Home was about four kilometres away and his phone was dead. His chance of getting a free ride at this time of the day was not feasible. Besides, Quantum FC had just lost the semi-final to Aquardo FC and fans who blamed the defeat on poor officiating had begun to beat officials. He feared that in no time the stadium would be filled with police officers and innocent fans would not be spared. ‘Oh my God! What a great foolishness is this! How could I have been so careless? God, please help me. I don’t want to go to jail.’ While Michael was pacing up and down wishing he had not stepped out of his room, a young boy approached him with a wallet. ‘Excuse me, sir. I think this belongs to you. You left it on your seat when you left some minutes ago. I sat next to you during the match.’ ‘Oh, my God! Thank you, God bless you.’ He opened the wallet, counted his money, and saw that everything was intact. He ran after the boy who was now leaving the stadium. ‘Please take this as a gift from me. It’s a thousand naira note’ ‘Thank you, sir. I also have a gift for you.’ The boy responded. He dipped his hand into his school bag and handed Michael a Bible. ‘A teacher gave this to me six months ago. He said it could change the life of anybody. It has become my best companion until now. I have the feeling that you need it too. I’ll like you to read it three times a day just like breakfast, lunch, and dinner.’ They both laughed. ‘Thanks, I will.’ Michael parted way with his friend outside the stadium and took a taxi home. Before dad’s death, Michael was not the religious type. Although dad and mum brought us up in the way of the Lord, my brother doesn’t study his bible. He only dusts it every Sunday morning and goes to church to fulfill all righteousness. However, because of the boy, Michael studied the Bible for the first time. It is a new testament Gideon Bible. That night, he sat down in his room and finished the book of Matthew. He was overwhelmed with God’s love and could not comprehend what Jesus did to reconcile sinners back to God. Convicted of his wayward life and convinced that dad is in a better place, Michael knelt beside his bed and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Early the following morning, as early as 4:30 am, I heard the jingling of the bell. I was just trying to sleep after the vigil that ended at 2 am. I tapped Shola to wake up for morning prayer. ‘Aunty Tundun, it’s barely two hours we ended the vigil tonight. I am tired.’ She responded with heavy eyes. ‘I know, maybe mummy had a dream and we need to intensify our prayer for our brother. Let’s go to the sitting room’. Just then, we saw mummy

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