On This Day

Recap of important historical events

On This Day

On This Day: African-American Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks’ Death

On this day: in history (2005), Rosa Parks died at 92. She was an African American civil rights activist whose refusal to relinquish her seat on a public bus to a white man in 1955 helped ignite the American civil rights movement. The United States Congress honoured her as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement”. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks rejected bus driver James F. Blake’s order to vacate a row of four seats in the “colored” section in favour of a White passenger, once the “White” section was filled. Parks was not the first person to resist bus segregation, but the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) believed that she was the best candidate for seeing through a court challenge after her arrest for civil disobedience in violating Alabama segregation laws, and she helped inspire the Black community to boycott the Montgomery buses for over a year. The case became bogged down in the state courts, but the federal Montgomery bus lawsuit Browder v. Gayle resulted in a November 1956 decision that bus segregation is unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. #myhistorydiary #history #nigeria #blacklivesmatter #freedom   Created by Okey Obiabunmo

On This Day

On This Day: The First Train Robbery in American History

On this day: in history (1866), John and Simeon Reno popularly known as the Reno Brothers Gang, staged the first train robbery in American history, making off with $13,000 from an Ohio and Mississippi railroad train in Jackson County, Indiana. Before the Reno Brothers robbery, previous crimes had all been burglaries of stationary trains sitting in depots. The Reno brothers’ contribution to criminal history was to stop a moving train in a sparsely populated region where they could carry out their crime without risking interference from the law. Other criminal gangs, like Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch, found that robbing trains was so easy and lucrative that for a time, they made it their criminal specialty. The railroad owners, however, were not about to sit back and let Reno gang or any other bandit freely liquidate their investments. To their dismay, would-be train robbers increasingly found that the cash and precious metals on trains were well protected in massive safes watched over by heavily armed guards. As a result, by the late 19th century, train robbery was becoming an increasingly difficult and dangerous profession. The Reno Brothers robbery gang was broken up by the lynchings of ten of its members by vigilante mobs in 1868. The murders created an international diplomatic incident with Canada and Great Britain, a general public uproar, and international newspaper coverage. No one was ever identified or prosecuted for the lynchings. #myhistorydiary #history #robbery #crime #nigeria   Created by Okey Obiabunmo

On This Day

On This Day: In 2012, Nigeria suspends Hajj flights over deportations

On this day: the 28 September 2012, Nigeria, through the National Hajj Commission, suspended all Hajj flights to Saudi Arabia after the authorities there initially deported more than 170 women who had arrived without a male escort. In a statement, the commission had described the situation as an “unprecedented and worrisome development”. A further 1,000 women were held in detention centres in Jeddah airport in Mecca, before they were eventually evicted from the country. This was the first time Saudi Arabia sent back such a large group in enforcement of its stringent rules governing women. During their detention, the women reportedly slept on bare floors and were offered nothing but water in conditions that were ‘not fit for humans’. This sparked a diplomatic war between Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. Until August 2019, under Saudi law, women needed to be accompanied by their legal guardian — which could be a father, brother, or husband — in order to travel. Saudi law maintained that women were ‘minors’ who required permission from a male relative to work, leave the country or, in some cases, receive medical treatment. Nigerian officials responsible for organizing the hajj said that three planes were turned back from the Saudi city of Medina. According to Nigeria’s Saudi ambassador, Abubakar Shehu Bunu, it had previously been agreed that the Nigerian women could perform the pilgrimage rites as long as they were accompanied by local officials once they were in Saudi Arabia. A Nigerian hajj official said at the time, that some of the deported women had gone with male chaperones who were supposed to lead them into Saudi Arabia. However, the official had said, the male chaperones had boarded different aircrafts to their female charges, and so were forced to disembark their aircrafts at different times. The women, who arrived in Jeddah in three groups, were detained after landing at the international airport, some reporting that they were detained in darkened planes for hours, never disembarking the aircraft before being sent back to Nigeria. Some said they’d been kept at the airport for a period of about five days under what had been described as “humiliating conditions.” Denouncing their treatments at the hands of the Saudi authorities, some women interviewed had responded thus: “We were held like criminals in debasing conditions. We deserve human treatment and as women and mothers, we deserve to be treated with honour but the Saudis have shown that they have no heart.” “Many of us have cold and fever. We did not have blankets and it was cold, especially at night.” Another woman, Maryam Abdullahi, said officials had humiliated them. “I have never been so sad in my life like in the past three days,” she said. “We are all so sad. I used my last savings to top up what my cousin provided to pay for a hajj seat, only to be treated like infidels who are not fellow Muslims,” said Halima Muhammad, who spent two days in a detention centre Nigeria is home to Africa’s largest Muslim population, with over 50 per cent of its 217 million strong population practicing Islam. Many Nigerians save for years to be able to perform the hajj, some receive support from wealthy Muslim philanthropists. All Muslims, those who can afford it, are required to perform the Hajj at least once in their lifetime, in accordance with the five pillars of Islam.  

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